[Pimax Response Required] What happened to new controller designs?

What happened to the announcement for the new design reported without the tracking ring which wraps around the wrists?

Pimax said before their controllers looked nothing like they did at CES. This is still the same controller design that was shown at CES in Sweviver’s review? Did Pimax reneg?

@Sean.Huang @anon84525399 @PimaxUSA ?


Well, there was no such announcement. All they said was that they were still working on the controllers. Which they were, what was shown off today isn’t the same as the prototypes they showed earlier.

Do we know the key differences? At a glance it sounds exactly the same.

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The Sword Sense is not like the other version at all ?

Its got both a thumbstick and trackpad, removable battery and more buttons than the previous prototype

The internal samples did indeed change numerous times. In testing though it turned out the full ring offered the most accurate tracking solution, especially from odd angles.

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It almost looks like you did the test with only one lighthouse and put it behind the testing person. I understand why Oculus has to have the rings because their cameras are very close and basically looking in only one very particular direction (relative to the controllers).

But for the lighthouse tracking this should not be a problem and the Index controllers are (will be) hopefully proving it.

Imagine making a fist and then moving it around and close to the body and the arms (or even legs). It is quite natural to move the palm part of the fist very close to the other parts of the body, or even touch them, but the opposite side of the fist (the knuckles part) almost never touches the body. It is because how the arm joints are made and how the arm kinetics works. The shape of the Index controllers is not accidental.