Pimax Pre-order site not working?

Lol very odd.

It’s now 80 minutes after a big pre-order countdown clock on the Pimax home page completed - but appears that no one is able to pre-order?

The web page is actually responding quickly, so don’t think it’s volume of users. Lets you add the product to the Cart and Checkout but the option to process payment just appears to be missing? I’ve tried both IE and Chrome, tried English and Chinese versions of the site, all with the same results. Others are reporting the same, not heard from anyone who has been successful.

Could this be checked into please?

@deletedpimaxrep1 @Pimax-Support


Hi @MarkD, sorry for your inconvenience,the website crashed because of too many page views, our engineers are in the process of rescue. Please be patient and appreciate for your understanding.


Trying to pay with credit card just says “Please kindly use Internet Explorer browser.” with the input boxes grayed out and no way to enter information. This happens using Microsoft Edge and Firefox. Do we have to install an Internet Explorer browser older than Edge?!

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Ok thanks, I found Internet Explorer 11 but I don’t think I’m going to try again until I see at least one person say they successfully made a payment.

I tried the paypal link but got this: PayPal error (3): An error (3) occurred while processing your PayPal payment. Please contact the store owner for assistance.

I don’t even want to try putting in my CC did you see the SLL cert it is authorized by Let’s Encrypt Authority. Who the heck is that.

Thanks for the update. It’s good to know you are aware and working on it.

They are a free SSL cert provider (CA).

I can’t believe Pimax are that cheap to not buy a proper ssl cert for like $10.
Source: my personal business website ssl cert cost me £7 from rapidssl.


So has the website really been down for over 6 hours?

Google tells me it is 3:18pm in China, so it has been down for all business hours there?

What are they doing?


I can’t access the webpage at all now. I get a Wordpress form to complete instead.