Pimax Portal Progress

The status of the products and the progress of production and delivery that you are concerned about are updated as follows:

1. Portal production delivery status:

We originally planned to ship the Portal at the end of January 2023, which was already tight with the traditional Spring Festival Holiday (this year falling in January), and then made even more difficult by covid infections spreading through the country at a high rate since December 2022, causing some temporary supply chain disruptions. To make sure the products we ship are to the highest standards and quality-checked, we’re now expecting to ship to Kickstarter backers in February at the earliest.

2. Shipping arrangement:

When the Kickstarter campaign ends on January 14th, we’ll contact all the backers to collect the delivery addresses. In order to deliver the goods to you as soon as possible and accurately, please fill in your address as soon as possible as you receive the inquiry. (You’ll get the inquiry through the Kickstarter platform.)

Thank you for your patience.
Pimax Team