Pimax Play 1.13 Update

PimaxPlay : 1.13
Headset Firmware : 0628
Controller Firmware : 0.8.19

Patch Notes:

  • Controller Tracking Optimization:
    Addressed issues related to controller positioning, including loss and jitter, resulting in improved accuracy and smoother controller movements.

  • Headset Connection Optimization:
    Improved the headset connection performance, ensuring a more stable and reliable connection.

  • Room Height Setting:
    Resolved the problem of incorrect room height detection, ensuring accurate detection and application of the correct room height.

  • Error Code Notifications:
    Improved error code prompts to deliver clearer and more informative messages, facilitating easier issue identification and troubleshooting

  • OTA Process Optimization:
    Implemented optimizations to the OTA update process, providing improved prompts and a streamlined experience for updates.

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