[Pimax Official]To Pimax 8K backers

Judge for yourself, Material Warehouse vs produced for the 8K. Although it hasn’t been maintained, there was enough material for all 8Ks in the warehouse at one point.


… lts a mess :zipper_mouth_face:


The reason they haven’t been producing 8K’s is because they didn’t have any parts. their suppliers were being slow.

As for what I said saying if they ran out of parts during CNY. What if the supplier couldn’t supply the full amount of lets say the screens. I’d imagine they would send batches at a time.

Also no company buys the full amount out right. That would most likely be bad practice. Businesses like to hold onto their money so they are less likely to go bankrupt. Ordering the materials in batches would be a smarter way of buying the supplies aw it splits the costs over multiple months.

we must be thankfull are you joking?


I can’t believe people are still defending Pimax. OK there are reasons bad things happen, but Pimax could have done (and could be doing) many things a lot better.

People are right to be mad and Pimax do not deserve your defense in this case. But I don’t have the energy to write about it anymore.

At least they could SAY SOMETHING


If you can not send 8k in Jan., send 5k+ for stop-gap just like as 8k+ backers.


I understand suppliers / forwarders will be closed but they could have anticipated that. I’m not stomping my feet because I haven’t got my own way, I’m actually sat on a sun lounger in Tenerife, I just don’t get the fact that they said 90% chance all will be sent by Christmas, then ready 18/1, then end of Jan, now God knows.

I backed the 8k and shouldn’t have to change to get it sooner. Others have been shipped with a higher backer number, why?


they have enough money. they had investors pumping 30mio usd into pimax at one point after the kickstarter.

unreliable suppliers of parts is their problem not ours, no excuses.
I think they rather anticipated hardware issues and because of that they ordered less.

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Most kickstarters end in failure with the backer getting nothing. While Pimax has made a lot of mistakes along the way, they have also done a lot of the backers. So yes, be thankful.

I have the exact same question.

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oh so be thankfull to get anything, yeah right.bla bla

I’d imagine they are backers getting the 5K+

Is there still hope for lower backer numbers to receive an 8k soonish? I went on the backer spreadsheet and counted the number of people who wanted an 8k up to my backer number and it was less than 100. Since there’s already a few hundred 8ks produced, I was wondering. I mean, I was told my 8k was produced a while back soo… @anon74848233


They obviously should be more straight forward with us backers. It’s possible that all these shortages and poor planning were caused because they ordered parts when everyone jumped ship to the 5k+ and then later jumped back to 8k. It would explain over production of the 5k+. As a backer who never changed there mind on the 8k it’s sad that by trying to let backers choose it may have delayed our 8k hmds. Also they may have been betting that more people would change over to the 5k+ with incentive of fast shipping to hit the shipping dates, but not many took the deal.

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Also got to remember, what you backed was a piece of shit headset that not many people liked. They have since drastically improved it in the past year.

You are getting a much better unit than what you actually backed. So yes, be thankful.

OMG I need a @vrdelta post

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How are we getting something better? The 8k under delivers compared to what was promised.=

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I’d rather listen to Charlie Brown’s teacher at this point.


“Why I’m divorced." Written by a man.

I went downstairs for breakfast hoping my wife would be pleasant and say, ‘Happy Birthday,’ and possibly have a small present for me.

As it turned out, she barely said good morning, let alone 'Happy Birthday.’

I thought …. well, that’s marriage for you, but the kids … they will remember.

My kids came bouncing down stairs to breakfast and didn’t say a word.
So when I left for work I felt pretty low and somewhat dejected.

As I walked into my office, my hot boss, sam, said, ‘Good morning, and by the way Happy Birthday!’ It felt a little better that at least someone had remembered.

I worked until one o’clock, when sam knocked on my door and said, ‘It’s such a beautiful day outside, and it is your birthday, what do you say we go out to lunch, just you and me.’

I said, ‘Thanks, sam, that’s the greatest thing I’ve heard all day. Let’s go!’

We went to lunch. But we didn’t go where we normally would go. She chose instead a quiet bistro with a private table. We had two red wines each and I enjoyed the meal tremendously.

On the way back to the office, sam said, ‘It’s such a beautiful day … we don’t need to go straight back to work, do we?’

I responded, ‘I guess not. What do you have in mind?’

She said, 'Let’s drop by my place, it’s just around the corner.

After arriving at her house, sam turned to me and said, ‘If you don’t mind, I’m going to step into the bedroom for just a moment. I’ll be right back.’

‘Ok.’ I nervously replied.

She went into the bedroom and, after a couple of minutes, she came out carrying a huge birthday cake, followed by my wife, my kids, and dozens of my friends and co-workers, all singing ‘Happy Birthday.’

And I just sat there …

on the sofa …



I don’t think you will find a single person who had tried the headset back in Jan 2018 when they were meant to be delivered and the ones being shipped now and choose the older one.

From what every reviewer and people who went to early meetups, the headset is much much better than it used to be.

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