[Pimax Official Activity]Sharing Your Gaming Experience With Pimax

The post doesn’t say that specifically. But presume would be in line when voting opened time should be concluding time.

@anon66707699 what time is poll set to close tomorrow?


I set April 20th 0:00 AM(PST)

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Oh yeah ! Thanks a lot everybody !


Well done to everyone a lot of thought was put into the reviews although it seems some people didn’t vote for a top 3. A shame the voters are hidden as well.



What noooo, wahhhhhhh, i can’t believe it! :open_mouth::heart_eyes: Thank you a lot everyone.
I will also try to develop a one pc, multi headset cinema to watch movies together, if it is possible at all :slight_smile:
I will share it with you if you want!
i am so excited!


Gratulations this was the clear favorite of the community!

@RobCram I think most participants voted only for them self to avoid multiple extra votes for others?

@anon66707699 Maybe next time participants can not vote them self to make it more interesting…?


Thanks you !

If participants are not allowed to vite for themselfves, they just won’t vote for others…

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Or they might rally other people to join the forum and vote for them. Or create multiple accounts using a VPN and throwaway emails. I wonder how many voters are from accounts that just joined during this competition voting period, viewed a few topics and voted never to be seen again after this?

At least I can sit comfortably with myself voting for 3 random people thanks to my GF choosing 3 random numbers. From what Lebois is saying though some people exhibit pretty unsportsmanlike behavior. I didn’t twig that was the reason for 223 votes when it should be 135 (voters) x 3 = 405 votes.

Not impressed actually. That friggin sucks. People who voted tactically you know who you are. SHAME ON YOU. If it were my competition they would be disqualified for not obeying the rule which clearly states choose your favorite top 3 reviews. Pimax should have run this competition better imo.

@anon66707699 @anon74848233 - please make the voters visible for some fun and games.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m glad I didn’t waste a second of my time thinking about this- @Lebois review is horrible and I have no idea how that gets chosen by the community unless there was some foul play.

He gets an RTX 2080ti for that? LOL.


It should have been backers only voting.
It’s much to ask to read 40+ reviews, some lengthy and then score them objectively.
For someone who truly read them all, you’d have to immediately write down a score after reading each of them.

At least Lebois gets a consolation prize after having his Pimax stolen(allegedly, it’s the internet) and Pimax loaning him a device a few weeks later.


It should have been a random lottery style process to pick the winners really. That way, every entry stands an equal chance of winning.

However, if sticking with the voting method then:

It should have been verified backers/owners only voting.
no voting for your own review
voting submissions only accepted when 3 reviews are selected.
Voters visible once the voting period ended - what’s to hide anyway?

What a mess of a competition guys and with around £3000 worth of prizes, totally naive the way it was handled. I think Pimax should do a recount after a bit of investigation. If all is legit, then well done. If not then those who bent the rules or played unfairly should be DQ.


Thanks to everyone :heart_eyes:

IMO, participant who vote for themselves or rally family and friends isn’t a scandal or unsportsmanlike as long as there’s no multiple accounts. Of course, participation must be reserved to private consumers (noone can compete against a pro youtuber and his followers ^^).
Let’s remember it’s the 1st time Pimax do that kind of event, some things can be improved for next time: 1 vote 1 choice instead of 3, don’t accept registration after deadline.

I would be more shocked by someone who wins without any work on his review, whatever are the reasons. If that happens it would be disrespectful to those who spend days for their article (and we could wonder how he earned so many votes).

A lotery or reserving to backers has no interest.
Pimax isn’t a philanthropic company. This kind of event is also made for advertising (and it’s clever). The goal is to attract people and show them interresting reviews.

This is actually there 3rd or 4th contest. Yes they can do a better on the next event with better planning & execution.

As for competing with Pro youtubers? I am guessing you didn’t take time to read over submissions. I saw all sorts of reviews that were on the same level of quality & higher.

Don’t be like those whom seperate Youtubers from proffessional media outlets. As you can find equal quality from all tiers. Independents have the benefit of freedom vs those enslaved to an employer.

This event like past ones needed more time to be planned & effective.


So what part of Pimax community is that when you draft in unfair support from family friends, subscribers etc? It’s not like they will also vote for those in competition with you. The fact you feel it acceptable is telling indeed. In my opinion it’s cheating.

Did you read the winning review? Because what you described has happened.

But this was an internal forum competition by its design. It wasn’t meant for those outside of this community to come in and start voting. I didn’t see it advertised anywhere (unless I missed something) . Is there a reddit post I missed or was it mentioned in a Kickstarter email? I guess people here tactically didn’t promote the competition outside of here as it would potentially interfere with their chances of winning if more people decided to enter.


I don’t mention youtubers to juge the quality of their job. I mean, if a youtuber with 10k followers can’t be beaten by a private consumer if he asks his followers to vote.

This why voting should be only backers & owners. If I was a youtuber I could ask my followers to vote for me.

Family & friends whom own a pimax should vote. Random non owners should be excluded. & Yes with a closed group of verified owners could have ensured this loose detail.


With a voter base of 135, skewing the result in your favor is way too easy.
Of course no way of knowing if that happened, maybe short and sweet is truly what people like.

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I have many subscribers but with only 2 votes in this competition you can see I did not cheat in an attempt to win. I simply entered for fun. I put a lot of effort into my review but it was not made for this competition. I don’t care if I win or not but I do feel sad for those people who did put a lot of effort in and are now robbed of a decent prize due to dodgy rules and those who may have increased their chances using cheap tactics.

That of course is key as well. With only 135 voters vs 42 submissions the contest is not a success. That’s just a bit over 3 voters/ contestant with folks not following instructions to pick 3. It would be interesting to see a recount removing any voters that did not pick 3 as a requirement for a vote set to count.

@anon66707699 @anon74848233


I don’t think it’s a matter of cheating but another case of details not being clear like the previous contests.

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