Hi all, when Pimax 4K first came out I ordered it. Immediately I was amazed by the clarity of the screen. Then after a few months my Pimax gathered dust in a box until 2 weeks ago when I discovered NOLOVR. I’ve ordered the NOLOVR and it arrives next week.
I took out my Pimax 4K and plugged it in with the hopes that it would all be fine and working on the old PiPlay v1.2.97 (it was working perfectly fine with this version). I had no luck, the headset sometimes shows the screen, when I start up a game the VR would appear on my main monitor and not on the Pimax. There was no sound etc.
- I uninstalled PiPlay, downloaded PiPlay_Setup_2.0.5.46 and installation went smoothly. Firmware got an update too.
- Restarted my computed, Started up PiPlay and plugged in my Pimax 4K.
- The device gets picked up in PiPlay but then the LED is green.
- If I switch to video mode then the LED goes blue. When I try play a video, the video appears on my computer monitor and not my Pimax.
I believe the hardware is fine but there is something really funky going on with the software or drivers. My ultimate solution is to reinstall Windows (but that’s a huge pain in the $%@#)
If someone from support could assist I would be extremely grateful.