I’m trying since a while to get the pimax mode to work but piplay tells me “device connected” and the headset is stuck on the green light but nothing is happening. The extend mode is working correctly. With the beta versions, the pimax mode is working. I have no integrated graphical card (not like the ones who where having issues with the intel integrated graphic card). For info I have a GTX 980. Any clue to get it working ?
Thanks by advance for your answers and sorry about my bad english
I had same experience. I lost and decided to downgrade to Win7 and it was good choose. More or less working correctly but still have to remove and attach USB regularly.
Also I’m getting a false (?) positive with 1.1.92 on my virus scanner. You might try disabling your virus scanner if you have problems and see if that helps.
Also try deleting your steam config: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\steamvr.vrsettings
What I found so far in Windows 7 x64 version is the .NET v4 framework conflict with the device. Now I go back to Win10 which include .NET v4 as a built-in feature and try to remove.