Pimax meets Jensen Huang

I wonder if they will also provide a ‘cloud enhanced’ visual experience. So your Xbox can be connected to google and they will both work to provide least latency with extreme high fidelity in graphics. The more you pay, the better the graphics can get help from google. Dropped frames would not be a big issue then probably

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I’ll leave the innovation to smarter people than me :smile: but I am not sure how that concept would differ from the current xbox online games shop with most of the computation done on your local hardware instead of offloading it into the cloud.

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I’m talking GPU power aided by google.

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This must have had robin elated.


God I remember days like that. Ice, coffee and energy drinks.

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its good to see industry leaders trying vr that doesnt have a stupid 100 degree fov :smiley:

oculus currently feeling the hate.

go pimax, you have a winning product.


It Just works …


He should. It creates demand for nividas high end RTX cards

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haha just wear jeans next time, with a sport coat it looks better anyways. Like your a professional, but hard worker who does what it takes to get things done.


issue with google cloud gaming is it runs linux in the cloud so games that do not use unreal or unity need to be recoded to work on their platform.

@peteo Sorry read your post wrong LOL. Yeah, I suppose. But since most triple A games are running under one of those two, I’m quite excited to try this out.

@Pimel Though no words yet on the subscription fee for the service but the graphic fidelity is a non-issue under Stadia and it all depends on how good one’s internet connection is. Quoting one of the articles:

What does Google’s 10.7 teraflops mean in practice, though? Google says that at launch, you’ll be able to play games at 4K resolution, 60 frames per second with both HDR and surround sound, while simultaneously sharing a 4K, 60 fps stream of your game live to your YouTube followers. And Google says it’ll upgrade that to 8K and 120 fps gameplay in the future, though it’s not clear how far off a future we’re talking about.

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Why is it so hard to make myself clear. I said aided and enhanced, meaning helped and given extra. The problem with gaming is it needs perfect smoothness, both in graphic display and controls.

So relying 100% on google’s video feed means a shoddy internet connection could produce hickups.

My solution to that would be that you could have an xbox-type console with a minimum powerful GPU that does a lot of the games work but a cloud connection to google would add visual fidelity.
So when the connection is bad the local machine is still operating at full capacity providing continuous gameplay. Only the visual quality would suffer, not fps.

Google would then become extra GPU power instead of full console. And your actual console would become part of the game-cloud with google at that stage.

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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Linux Gaming & VR

I do not think the legacy would be there for this. The way it works now is everything is rendered in the cloud and then the video feed is compressed and sent to the PC.
I don’t see how rending part on the PC and then part in the cloud would work, the latency would kill it and would be much more complicated with no benefit.

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Well? Did he like it?

Mixing with the big guns now :wink: Thanks for all the work your doing Kevin

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Indeed he did. He also asked a lot of questions, all positive stuff


Valve has something like this with downloadimg shader caches.

He does not smile when wearing the Pimax. Did he not liked it ?

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OMG, @PimaxUSA getting unsolicited sartorial counselling :scream: :laughing: Looking good, Kevin!