Pimax main site got updated

Nice video and site change


In case someone from Pimax reads this. The Page doesn’t support 21:9 Screens. The Video is stretched to the borders therefore the heads of some people are cut of :slight_smile: might be a idea to limit the width to a specific value or at least to a specific aspect ratio.

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Do i imagine it only? Or is it visible on the Homepage which ‘Software’ we will get in the future?

  • Walking Dead VR
  • Hellblade VR
  • The third is unknown to me.

Also in the video the Deluxe headstrap is visible for a second.

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Looks like they finally offer an hybrid Trackpad Thumbstick solution, that’s great.
Menu button is missing though in all but one controller pic.

Video not playing 4 me.

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yes but this is a common problem with 21:9 screens…hell even netflix has issues without modding your browser
(preferable edge since it is the only browser fully supporting 4k i think for now). you’ll need a zoom mod

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What is the countdown for?? 13 days until what?

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I have the same question

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My guess is that it is until Preorders gets closed.

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Looking at the map just noticed roadshows
Seoul 17/18th and Tokyo 23/24th November
Toronto and London in December 2018 :sunny:


got in playing in forum link and externally via YouTube

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Might not have liked my phone.

@noro where did you see those controllers? I"d still prefer seperate the one fellow who has previewed knuckles said the trck slot wasn"t that good

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On what date will it be in London ?

What is the countdown for ?

It just says Dec 2018 on the map

Hope they will lower the prices as soon as the production gets revved up and the pledgers are all covered, 300 dollars of difference from the 5K+ to the 5K BE is totally unjustified to me, and still…300 more for the mandatory controllers/base stations combo…

Also, the software/driver part of this headset is still messy and a long way to be on par with other brands, so…until Pimax don’t get there, in my opinion it’s not worth the price they are asking…

i had the same issue, not playing on 1st load… then refreshed the page and it works now.

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Countdown to the next unit coming off the production line.

I dislike autoplaying video.
I especially dislike auto playing video that I can’t pause or mute without muting the whole tab.



it’s like one of those “find the odds” game :joy:
Hybrid (left/right) the later with a brand new menu button.

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