Pimax Live 25/03/2021

Pimax Live 25/03/2021

Pimax Event Name Discussion
Pimax Now = Event that revolves around important new products that are now shipping.
Pimax Live = More regular event (~1/month), discuss progress and Pimax events with some announcements.
Pimax Day = Big Event that will include major product announcements.

  1. 8KX

New 90Hz Native mode and 60Hz Mode (for games like MSFS 2020)
Recent new accessories such as the new Optical Cable
New firmware and software features which included the per eye IPD adjustments and backlight control.
Announced: KDMAS was free with 8KX purchases during the Pimax Live event.

  1. 5K Super

180Hz gaming and what games benefit (games like Eleven Tennis and Beat Saber etc.)
It’s the successor to the 5K+, includes all Vision series features, compatible with new optical cable
Compatible with upcoming DMAS
Announced: Back in stock on Amazon

  1. Sword Controller Progress

Showed a fully tooled, fully functional Sword controller in action with games and other apps.
Announced: BETA Program, 10 customers to be selected to test release candidate Sword Controllers
This sample Sword was a hybrid with capsense, capsense might not be included in standard Sword

  1. DMAS Progress

Progress and talked about potential use of Windows audio drivers.
Design completed and some units produced.
Need customer feedback to proceed.
Announced: BETA Program, 10 customers to be selected to test DMAS. With and without audio driver.

  1. Hand Tracking

Improvements to drivers and the new Gemini V5 update.
Improved refresh-rate and latency
Mentioned programs that take advantage of hand tracking such as the Pimax Experience

  1. Eye Tracking

Improved drivers and firmware update
Much improved refresh rates, 100Hz direct connect and 120Hz via connection to PC
Improved accuracy and blink detection
Continued efforts to revise software and firmware in progress

  1. Pimax VR Experience Progress

Phase 1 Cloud Profiles release for truly automatic configuration.
Knowing when to enable or disable Parallel Projections a thing of the past

  1. April PE Releases will include:

Cloud Profile Phase 2 – add profiles from inside PE and select from a list
IPD Setup Wizard
Lots of customer requests to be added
New greatly updated interface

Announced: Invite Unity Developers to assist with the Pimax Experience and add them to the PE team.
Announced: Enterprise Customer can contact the team to use the toolsets developed for the Pimax Experience as a springboard for rapid VR software development.

  1. Pitool Updates

Discussed latest changes to pitool including new ability to install the Pimax Experience from inside Pitool.

  1. RTX 30 Series Bundles

Announced: RTX 30 Series cards bundled together with 8KX. They sold out in seconds after announced.

If you wish to watch the recorded live stream, please proceed to Sweviver Youtube Channel.

Your Pimax Team.