Pimax lcd backlights dimmable?

I heard some leaked craziness about blacks not …well…looking so hot. When blacks look like light grey it’s usually because of post processing settings (like on a tv brightness controls), or the backlights being too bright for the scene being displayed. I was wondering if there would be some similar controls for the p8k for maybe someone who is playing elite dangerous etc to turn them down.


well, we know they added extra backlights at some point. and as result the blacks are a little light. I mentioned in a topic about the idea of dimming the backlights based on a 1 frame per second image analysis with a 5 second transition time in order to let the blacks come through in dark areas and wash out in brighter. Not sure how practical that is though.

@deletedpimaxrep1 on a scale of 1-10 do you know how practical this would be in the future ?


The pimax 4k model in Piplay/pihome you can increase or decrease brightness.


Can you stop recommand more shits to be added? It is already ENOUGH that their software requires tons of shit work and we got MORE delays, now you want other shits to be added…

Stuff will never be perfect in life, just fking deal with it, there will ALWAYS be things to improve, just deal with the imperfection already, omg im so sick of people keeping telling Pimax to add more and more shits. Are we sure we want to receive the headset in the upcomming 5years if we keep going on this road?

Just let them fix the damn software and the testers give the damn greenlight so they can finally ship it the way it is.



actually what if they added force feedback to the headset itself. hmmm hmmm
maybe a bucket to catch those tears too.

keep in mind , the reason i originally said, in the future, was as a feature to be looked at later. in the future. calm le fuck down


Software shits can come after we received our units, bro. This forum is about more than awaiting production. It is full of people who want to help evolve the VR world with ideas, community chats and other means of thinking about Pimax and their options. You have a one track mind :rotating_light: All you use this forum for is complain about delivery time. Please understand that is not all this forum is about and think accordingly


Hey go easy. Software features don’t have to be added immediately. For example we had a member here try to claim the headset would fail if it didn’t support 60hz/ variable refresh for video playback.

The above is not a core priority to make the headset work & if not present can be added at a later date.



Nah it’s more understanding differences in softwsre vs hardware changes.

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Pretty much. I’m just trying to think of a path around an issue that can be explored purely in software later. In the other topic i specifically said not to get hopes up as i didn’t know if it could be done without a hardware change but helios comment here about it being doable on 4k post launch made me bring it up again here.

it would basically be simulating eye adaptation, its often done in game vfx too.

Its also not the kind of thing that needs to be an instantaneous response, so polling a frame once per second would be fine, with a 5 second non linear change in light brightness to allow for smooth non distracting transitions that maximise picture quality for the environment, be it a cave or desert.

I do wonder if all the variation of levels would shorten led lifespan though

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Exactly my point, these features can be added later as its in all in the software, all we need are just the basics in the software, nothing more and the units shipped already cuz its taking too long.

No, it won’t. Typically, dimming an LED means simply turning it on for a shorter period of time. In this case, the LED will only be lit while a particular video frame is shown at its final state and turned off during the transition state to the next frame (to avoid blurring).

I respectfully disagree. (Non-dynamic) brightness control is something Pimax has promised. I almost certainly won’t be able to actually use my headset UNTIL brightness control is available (because my left iris doesn’t contract properly and I need for the display to be dim, otherwise it will be physically painful for me).


I think someone here needs a timeout. It gets tiring seeing the same person being needlessly agressive in every post they make towards both community members and the development team themselves.


Lul, where did Pimax promised this on kickstarter? Show me please. Also im sorry about your issues.

you wont want a unit as it is now. not until the issues that caused those casing cracks have been resolved.

now before i saw the pic i thought the issue there was related to being near a seam , but having seen the pic and where it cracked and how , i’m more concerned about the extreme sharpness of edges being a stress concentration point.

Stress concentration - Wikipedia

So it’s nothing to get excited about. Lol

It’s not like we have a critical issue with the flux capacitor. If we did it would be game over. There would be no way to get back to the future of VR.


Not to worry the 4k has adjustable brightness. No reason to think it wouldn’t be implemented for both kinds of light sensitivity.


Another words don’t stress over delays from feature requests.

The real PITA on this matter is that we don’t have display settings on the GPU drivers available as with normal monitors. That would be sufficient most of the time to adjust black level and gamma curve.
The backlight should be able to dimm, it’s 2018 and they probably don’t use CFL lights :joy:

Weird though: why do ppl here post technical BS all the time even ignoring generic LCD technology advances of yesteryears.
If you have no clue about nothing just don’t make claims!

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This type of technological elitism isn’t what a community is about. Everyone can have their ideas heard, if you know better, please inform people and teach.