Pimax knuckles controllers design

I don’t like the angles of the last version so I made a quick sketch. What do you guys think?


Looks good. Unfortunately I had to hold off on the controllers for lack of prototype. Will buy later if they are good. Or Valve’s knuckle controllers.

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looks good. I can see what they were doing with theirs mind you, they want to have the angular aesthetic from the hmd tie into the knuckles and easiest place to do it is the wrap around. think especially in the inside they need to rethink it to more of a curve like valves. That original inner shape is ergonomics/function not styling so they shouldn’t have strayed from that imho.

I think the clamp has to be even more ergonomic cuz it will contact with outer palm side and must fix controller tightly enough only by itself + a sort of paracord.