Pimax is preparing shipments!

Just had a quick browse through the KS campaign site and saw that Pimax posted this tidbit of information only 2 hours ago:

‘We are collecting your questions and will give answers in the following updates. If you need to change the survey, please do so asap, because we have started to prepare shipments.’

This is amazing news as it confirms yet again that Pimax are confident enough in the most recent prototype that they are prepared to ship it to backers along the most recently laid out timeline.

So @deletedpimaxrep1 and the whole Pimax Team, keep up the momentum and let’s show the big dogs how it’s done!


Do you think thats prepair for shipments or prepairing for shipments or prepairing shipments sounds like they are in production ,translations are always alittle lop sided


Well, whatever translation applies, it definitely suggests that they are getting close enough to actual shipping along their logistics roadmap that changing adresses and such should be done asap.

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By the way, if we are all getting excited about the M1 possibly being the Chosen One and shipments supposingly starting end of June - what about the FCC / CE certifications ? Would this final mass production prototype not be the one which they would need to get the FCC / CE clearing on ? Would that not be a procedure taking a couple of weeks in itself ?

I have no clue about these processes, just am wondering because I do not really remember that being mentioned as a part of the roadmap activities.

Perhaps Pimax do that in parallel to their ramp up of production (but then they would have an exposure for the scenario where the clearance is not granted and they need to correct the prototype), or they first produce for markets not requiring such certificates (China, etc.). And in general we of course know that they have experience with the 4K, so it will not come as a surprise and they will be well aware which requirements need to be met.


I think that it is information will not be correct …
I can not imagine sending the Pimax M1 units.
without first passing the review and approval by the testers.
to see if someone from the Pimax team is encouraged and give signs of life to clarify and report on the last unit.
lenses, design, weight, some video … (well recorded) using revive system.
brain system
etc etc…


This may be pure confidence


Or they have already decided that they will send the headset regardless of the test results. :grin:

But it all seems to be confidence!

Let’s wait for the next update and then see the current situation.

I think they are really confident about M1. They bet the bêta testers will confirm that. Then they hurry the shipping for backers to be happy, and to start to sell the pimax as soon as possible.

::blows smoke off barrel/reloads cautious optimism launcher cartridge into chamber/activates mass hysteria euthanasia defleflector force field/calibrates tapdance update interpreter/empties anticipatory post enthusiasm deflator manifold::


Could they just be referring to the test units shipping out? Thus want to make sure everyone surveys are up to date for the likely green light to ship M1s later.

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