Pimax for Movie is it good?,Is 4k/BE mix up fix at Gearbest? What should I buy?

Hi,I’m a new guys here and really interesting in VR for Movie and a bit gaming.

1.what I want to know is when you watch movie in Pimax 4k especially 3d movie(3d sbs,over under) such as Godzilla 2014,Avatar,etc. Is it good? did it have any ghosting when watching a movie? I known this model have a ghosting on gaming but what about a movie?.

2.Is a 4K/BE mix up in Gearbest is fix yet? as of now I don’t dare to order it if it’s not since I want a 4k for watching movie after all,so I don’t want that BE one it’s may have higher Hz but since It’s resolution is down to 2.5K I feel like if I get this one I better get CV1 instead.

3.Most games I want to play is in vorpx(Metro,Skyrim,Bioshock)so I don’t really need position tracking,all I want to know is what VR headset runs these games better between 4K and Oculus CV1? since 4k only have 60Hz while CV1 is 90Hz,I don’t have VR experience at all so I don’t really know how different they is.
If CV1 is better then I may buy both of them one for Movie one for game.

4.Since they can’t adjust lens will it be a problem for glasses user?,I’m nearsighted and astigmatic,So I have to wear glasses all the time.this is the most big issue for me.

5.I heard I have to tweak a lot to use this product,which I understand this it’s their first products and a next one will be better,but as of now how current driver work for you guy? is it good? is it bad? I’m not that good at tweak so it’s kinda bother me.

6.I’m use Intel Core i5-7400 3.00 GHz quad core,gtx 1050 ti 4gb. Is it enough for vr gaming? Most Vr game didn’t look that good after all(except cockpit game,re7,batman) so I didn’t think I need 1080 for this but just to be sure I asking here.

It’s bit too long question please bear with me,I’m tried to read all topic that I want an answer but not get what I want so I post it all here.

Hi will post more when i can but this user has posted a good review overall.


Thanks,it’s indeed a good review.
It make me hype to get one,I’ll waiting for your reply on my question.

Thank in advance bro.


Answer to mix up with BE/4K @PIMAX-Support can answer better. But prior to ordering contact the distributer & request they verify that Serial starts with 100 (this is the 4k model) though Pimax may have this resolved.

As for your system looks good. However your gpu might need an upgrade. Easy way to check run Steamvr performance test

You will find it under library\tools.

Near sighted you should be good see specs support myopia i beleive to 500?

Will post more later.

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