Pimax Experience problem

I finally was able to download and install pimax experience for the 8KX the problem is it doesn’t show on my 8KX screen it shows on my TV screen but not on the 8KX. On my a 8KX all I have is the pimax logo.

You just have to get the headset tracked before it shows.

Try wiggling it from side to side, also covering the line of sight to the lighthouse (I’m guessing You icky have one).

You can check if it’s tracked or not in PiTool.

OR You’ve just found a bug where it thinks Your TV is the headset… :wink:

That’s not the problem tracking fine. However, I did uninstall & reinstall pitool .84 and when I reinstalled it my virus software blocked one file of it which it also did when I installed it before and it was working fine then.

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Quick settings on the left and Standard settings on the middle don’t line up… One says 1. 0 the other says 1.2 .

Also anygame launched from PE automatically launches in small mode on my Artisan. Even if I’ve saved the settings on the quick tab and the middle tab at large.