Pimax demo during E3, anyone going..?

Here’s what they wrote in the newest Kickstarter update:

Hi Futurists,

While the M1 testers are testing the experience closely, we took one M1 unit to LA for our Kickstarter backers to try out in a closed demo!

The purpose is to collect feedback from backers.

TIME: June 14th 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM

LOCATION: 601 W. 5th St. 9th Floor, Room 1 Los Angeles

MORE INFO: Breather

Leave your backer number here to reserve a spot: http://eepurl.com/dxLsTn

Looking forward to meeting you soon!

Best Regards,

The Pimax Team

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Get with it



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It’s a trap! :wink:


What will happened if no anybody go to test because they not sign the NDA, lol.

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The most likely reason for a no show is the less than one day notice.


That is as far from any probability as it could be. Truth is, the majority in this forum would commit murder to be allowed to check out the M1, so to speak. Whether they can share the experience with others is completely secondary in that moment.


That’s what I’m wondering, will there be an NDA? I’d think so, but maybe being that it’s a closed demo, and probably no too long of a session, that they might allow some juicy info! * wishful thinking

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no they have stated quite clearly that anyone who does come will have to physically sign the NDA to view the M1


What people want is irrelevant really. It was a less than one day notice and people have lives, work ,school, kids etc. We arent all single wealthy playboys that can do anything we like at the drop of a hat.


Sure, that is the reason why they will not be overwhelmed by applications. But for anybody at the E3 or living around the corner, those backers would likely try to arrange for it.
It is indeed short notice - but I would tend to think that this is just a spontaneous alternative demo after they came to the conclusion, that the public demo with CaptoGlove wasn‘t that good of an idea after all, if they at the same time conduct a top secret closed beta. Now some will say that they should have anticipated this - well, I suppose that the original plans assumed the beta testing to have been completed by the time of E3. And perhaps I am the only one who notices, but in terms for foresight & planning they have proven to be mortals, and make the occasional mistake… :wink:

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yeah, 4k backers or something like that ? You would think a few would be close to E3. But even then, its rough having a weekday event @ several hours notice. I hope some make it. We shall see

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I got the email at midnight…really? A 16 hour notice?

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More notice and a poll or whatever to find the best place to stage it, would have been a good idea. Therefore, we would then be able to get as many backers as possible to try it out.

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Cannot see why they’re bothering as with the NDA it’s just theater to the vast majority of backers


I *think it was a last minute gesture… perhaps they had to get permission from the third part as well. A good try and I hope at least a few can take advantage


Someone who try the M1 already, you not allow to say any details. So you can selfie with smile or normal face to feedback if you happy or unhappy with the M1, haha.

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Nobody said they allow camera in either :slight_smile:

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Well, apparently nobody from the forum went. Did actually anybody go ? I have not seen any report, not even a mere mention of having been to the demo without any further statement.
@deletedpimaxrep1: has this demo been cancelled again ?

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There were around 30 attendees. We have collected over 20 video clips of impressions onsite. The team is watching the videos and recording every bit of insight from the backers.

NDA required in the private demo. The M1 closed beta, including the E3 private demo and the closed testing, serves the only purpose of learning from the VR enthusiasts from all different countries and backgrounds to further improve the final version of Pimax 8K.


Could you give us a hint on how the overall opinon was on it ?
Where the attendents equally satisfied, as for example the testers of the v2 were ?