Pimax Crystal - status, updates and fixes (Part 2)

Not too keen to get into my person finances but I had an emergency arise and the Crystal was the most expensive thing I own, I’ve put quite a few of my less needed items up for sale. I would have sold the quest pro before the crystal had it not plummeted so much in value, and it and the crystal are the only headsets I have worth using (I have some other old ones on display like the original vive but thankfully things aren’t that bad ha).

Anyway, not really keen on diving into my personal life any further than that. I do hope to get the Crystal again when I can afford it again.


I don’t think you’ll ever buy a Crystal again. @SmallBaguette

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Well, time for me to peace out of this forum again. Always a pleasure!

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There’ll prob be something out comparable within 12-18 months.

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I’ll give it 6 months or less.

The VR1 is imminent.

At least 1 at CES.

Varjo early 2024.

Valve sometime in first half 2024.

At least 1 surprise HMD.


After all the string reveals by Bradley I’m also starting to believe that Valve will release their new headset within a year. Really REALLY looking forward to that one. Out of all the headsets that I’ve had, I still think of the Index as THE best engineered one. Everything just clicked. If they can do that again with at least 3k per eye I’m going to be happy for sure.


That’s interesting what you say about the Pro, i’ve heard similar on other forums i.e. it’s a good hmd and not just for productivity. For me, even if the used price got down to near Quest 3 price i still want to try the Q3, i’m interested in the mixed reality experiences/games.

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First LH FP review.


I thought the same. But that was, what, 2 years ago? The ever elusive Project Deckard, the Duke Nukem Forever of VR headsets. I wouldn’t place bets on its ETA. At all.

I am rather curious where Meta will go hardware-wise after the Quest 3. More resolution? Higher FoV? Probably rather eye-tracking, LIDAR supported scanning of the environment for better MR, etc. to proceed with social VR and productivity. Better user avatars: either the realistic ones as teased 1-2 years ago, which would be very important for use in professional context; and/or high definition virtual ones, but then going far beyond the cartoonish current crop, think more of the Oasis: you wish to be a giant mouse? Sure, no prob. A tentacle-waving blob? As you wish.
But in terms of the usual headset specs I am not sure what Meta’s priorities after the Quest 3 will be. Variofocal in commercially available consumer hardware seems to be a couple of years away, so don’t hold your breath for that one.


We will ever see another headset from valve? Would be a surprise. Seems their internal hardware team has been busy but this is normal behaviour, not necessarily productivizing design for production

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I think there’s too many Chinese based headsets for Valve to sit back and do nothing. Valve simply wouldn’t want Steam to be reliant on either Meta, Byte Dance or even Pimax. Big Screen are the best partner Valve has right now with a native Steam LH based HMD with a steak in Hypervision while being a US company.

Hopefully the Steamdeck2 allows any USB or Display ported HMD to become agnostic bypassing their built in stores. Lol


I honestly don’t really doubt that anymore. Have you seen Bradley’s latest data mining vid? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVkbcZ8JH2E If you’re short on time then just watch the eye tracking part and the conclusion.

After this huge update with eye tracking stuff I think Bradley is right and Valve has brought in more people since they’re getting closer to the release date. I’m for sure getting excited, but then again, it’s Valve so all we can do is speculate …


had some contact with Valve’s hardware team during development of modular motion controllers, of course asked the question. Bought another Index the next day, as a launch day owner, I’d love to see a new Valve headset.

But Steamdeck has been a company wide focus since my meeting, with limited human resources, do they have any compelling software to justify launching a new VR system?

At the moment, they are doing healthy business selling VR software to customers without Valve hardware, predominantly Meta. Which is interesting, as that was the original plan before the Facebook takeover soured what was a growing relationship.

Considering that steamVR user base is smaller than Linux user base in Steam (both just over 2%) the huge investment Valve made in bringing Index to market, and building HLA shows their love for VR though it makes little business sense


Here’s MRTV with the LH FP.

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Yeah. But because of Bradley we now KNOW for a fact that they’re working on a new headset and actually seem quite far into that process now. So there’s that.


Don’t get me wrong, will be first in the queue for any next generation hardware from Valve. We can only live in hope,


How far are they? Didn‘t we believe in 2021 that Valve was just a couple of months away from releasing the Index 2? Based on Bradley‘s findings?


I didnt believe that for sure. In fact if you look back my older posts I thought that the Deckard would be a long way out. But it’s only since march this year that the first eye tracking strings were found and now they have an eye tracker server running with several configurable options. Usually that’s not something you start with when building a new headset I’d say, but rather something your save for the end. Also like Bradley noted, the sheer size of the new update is unprecedented. Bradley says that Valve usually increases the size of the development team later in the process so again a hint that makes me start to believe we might see something within a year. But again, it’s Valve, nobody knows for sure. If anything they might even shelve the whole project. But right now things do look good.


For all I know, anything Valve adds to SteamVR could be to support hardware partners, rather than any hardware of their own; Time will tell…

Kind of bittersweet to hear about something HDR10 finally making it in there… I have been opining rather obnoxiously since the Rift DK1 forums, that all VR experiences should be mastered for Rec.2020, and tonemapped by the VR runtime, to the capabilities of whichever HMD is connected, but nobody else seems to care a jot about any matters of future-proofing whatsoever… :stuck_out_tongue:


Check the latest OpenVR release notes Release OpenVR SDK 1.26.7 · ValveSoftware/openvr · GitHub

There are some interesting new properties being added.