Going by your own numbers, Pimax could apparently run as is for 6 years without selling a single headset. Just trying to illustrate how pointless this sort of baseless speculation is. There’s absolutely no reason to believe your original post as being in anyway reflective of reality, it’s literally just how you feel about Pimax.
Yes, that’s how investment works. You don’t get paid that money back, it’s not a loan. Typically it’s for partial ownership of the company as you project it to grow far larger than your initial investment and for your share to be worth much more in the future, along with the money you make from owning part of the company.
Did you actually think a round of capital investment was a loan???
Yes I do. I have the BOM. I have the Investment announcement. I know Pimax employs 300 people. I know tax levels. I know the average Chines factory workers wage.
You use this info to calculate the Incomings and outgoings to reach a profit and loss account.
I want you to explain how any of your original comment is backed up by that extremely limited set of data. I can see no possible way that the claims you made are backed up by that.
Please don’t just back out of this one with deflection, I am actually very curiously how the data you have has made you so confident of the assertations you made in your original comment.
Could you, at the very least, acknowledge that some aspects you assumed were errorneous and that perhaps your original assessment needs to be reconsidered?
For example:
That is just wrong, as I mentioned before. It also makes up the entirety of your explanation in your second comment on here.
So again, I’m just asking you to explain how the data that you have backs up your claims. The data you have, as far as I can tell is:
The BOM (of a single headset)
The 30 million investment
A guess at operating costs
Only 1 out of the 3 is actually official and certain. But let’s assume the BOM also is.
Am I missing anything else or is this list the entirety of the data that you have access to? I really cannot see how any conclusion can be made from such limited data. Again, I am open to having my mind changed.
You still have nothing literally as BOM can be cheaper due to negotiations on price. Please stop this stupidity. It is only making you look bad after you revealed that in part your put off due to affordability. I am sure pimax will have more affordable products in the reality line much like how they released the Artisan with the p2 series. So relax.
If you noticed only you seem to be in an alternate reality. But I understand as you already said the price of the 2 Reality headsets are mostly out of reach and your hoping for a more economical model that fits your budget.
Reality is looking at the posts and understanding no one is buying your version of Reality as they seem to have better understanding of the investment funding that your misconstruing as signs of financial problems. When it is the opposite.
By your analogy Intel is on the verge of complete collapse and there not either.
BTW - Djonko and I have been chatting. He said he was taking a break and focusing on other important things. Which at times is often a good idea to keep things from becoming stagnant.
Cheer up I am sure pimax will have offerings for those of use not able to afford the latest impending models set to release.
Seriously, this constant insistence they’re circling the drain and about to collapse all the time is a complete joke that’s based on completely arbitrairy and groundless speculation. It wasn’t true before this announcement and this coming out should make it quite clear Pimax isn’t collapsing any time soon.
This is like those people who keep saying the end times/apocalypse is going to happen and they know for certain. Yet here we still are.
Pimax are flush with money with all the profits they made over 7 years and because the Kickstarter and 8kX were so popular.
Pimax don’t need investors money. They didn’t need them in 2017, 2020 and now in 2023 because of all the cash in have the bank. Anyone who thought Pimax had ran out of money are stupid and need to go watch Dragons Den and learn about business.
We all know the good times are here and that’s when you sell parts of your business just because it’s good business sense and to prove to all the Pimax haters wrong.
GabeN who retains 100% of Valve is just stupid and needs to watch more Dragons Den so he can start selling his business too the same way Pimax has. They make rubbish headsets at Valve too and Index is just for poor people who can’t afford Pimax luxury.
Let’s face it $1850 for Crystal is chump change and we feel sorry for the people who bought the Aero.
There nothing on Pinax they’re untouchable in 2023.
No one is saying that either though. Personally, all I’m saying is we have no idea of Pimax’s financial situation and I think any speculation based on the info we have is pointless. I don’t think they are rolling in it but I also don’t think they are scrambling to stay afloat.
There’s no sides here, we’re all ignorant of the internals so just no point in wild speculations is all. Like speculating is fine, and fun to discuss, just don’t say it as fact and like it’s certain is all.
We do have facts. The BOM, number of Pimax employees, average Chinese factory wage, the Crystal price. The fact Pimax sold out 3 times in 7 years not including two kickstarters.
Yep he demonstrates he has no idea how BOMs work. I could in theory build an Index However the BOM for me would make it impractical due to cost. It would be cheaper to biy one new from Valve. As Valve’s BOM would be considerably cheaper than average Joe. lol
You claim I’m not listening yet I have taken the time to point out how fundamentally flawed your thinking is then ironically you contiune to ignore that and state your unsubstantiated opinion as though it means something or has a shred of merit.
You thought a round of investment funding was a loan that had to be paid back, then didn’t even add the “loan” itself into your equation and next marked down the 30 million they received as a cost to be paid back! The mind boggles.