Anyone know what numbers we get with new optional lenses ?
Personally I think thouse should be included instead of 42 ppd as we will miss 8kx FOV and Crystal is very good alternative for simracers and flight simmers.
It’s only a slight increase, so I’m guessing these will be 108-110 horizontal at the most but with lower stereo overlap. Multiple Pimax reps, and this video included, said the increase is only slight. Originally we heard 128-130 horizontal but I would wager that is using the same measurement “technique” that turned 103h into 125h somehow. If that’s the case then these lenses may actually give 106-108h.
Those are still good numbers imo, they only seem small because of the unrealistic expectations Pimax keeps setting. If they didn’t do that then people would be thrilled with those numbers. MRTV seemed happier with the 35PPD lenses (although they are also much more mature). Personally, I will probably stick with the 35PPD as I want the higher stereo-overlap and PPD and I believe 103 will be good enough for me personally (Pico 4 had 104 and I was quite happy with it). Of course the 8K X style FOV is always better but every headset is still a trade off atm in some way.
I suspect there still testing as @PimaxUSA didn’t say when asked directly about it in the other topic. He is likely maybe seeing if this detail is ready to publish/finalized. .Which is understandable.
Sim racing and flight Sims will benefit from the 42 PPD lenses, especially when it comes to distance.
Pimax should just offer the option at check out.
I would love it if they had a 60° FOV set that could give you retina level PPD for watching movies or VR desktop.
I know they had some for the portal, I think they would be useful for Crystal also.
I used to own the Sony HMZ T1 headset that was used for watching movies and I feel like when you’re spending $1600 options are the best thing for everybody, because we all have different use cases.
This thing is the same price as a high-end 75 inch television, and that doesn’t count the PC you need to drive it.
I want to be able to leverage the insane pixel density of those displays, or the wide field of view.
I feel like a cool possibility is the dual element lenses that they have in the 12 K but used to make a fixed foveated lens. What if you could have 60 pixels per degree on like a 45 degree of FOV, and then an element that gives you 15 pixels per degree over the remaining 110°?
Varios mistake was layering, micro,-OLED over a standard VR screen with an optical combiner. Why not just have your lens accomplish the same thing?
What I love most about these exchangeable lenses is I have the choice to play all the software that I already own the way that I want it.
@PimaxUSA have you guys considered the thin eyes approach of a multi element design that will let you get high pixel density in the center, but have wide field of you at lower clarity? No complaints with how you guys are doing it myself.
One of the coolest things about the lenses being exchangeable is that if you’re using a high PPD lens, none of the developers need to do anything. Your entire library instantly becomes revivified.
I mean, strictly speaking, they could have a very wide field of view on a set of lenses, but then people will complain about screen door effect. The original oculus dev kit had 110° horizontal on a 12 80 x 800 screen without canting. It just gives artifacts.
Pimax probably could come up with a lens that gives you that horrible SDE ridden image, but then they would get complaints.
Just look at all the complaints that Bradley had, that were fixed because of the feature, he hated most. You can’t please everybody, but this company is actually trying to please, which is very nice and a breath of fresh air.
Pupil swim. I imagine you’d need considerably more complex optics to mitigate any sharp, displacing, or distorting seam… or glue the user’s eyeballs in place…
EDIT: Argueably every aspherical lens already does the trick, to an extent. :7
Yeah, I think with the wide-fov lenses, you will see tiny vertical gaps. The pixel density will also vary from center to outer rings like Aero.
That happens with every headset afaik, it’s just Aero are the only ones so far to point it out and focus so much on PPD as a selling spec.
I would assume the wider fov lenses on crystal to be still at least like 27 or 28 PPD so SDE will be unseeable to most people.
I am not this optimistic. The wide-fov lens looks like a fish-eye lens to me. It will create quite a distortion. It will be lucky that we still have 27 or 28 ppd in the center, and the outside ring should be below 20ppd.
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