Pimax Before Launching the 8K, PLEASE IMPROVE THE UI of PiPlay

Disclaimer, I’ve not used Piplay or updated in Months so I might be wrong.

Personally it doesn’t bother me as much as it will bother every professional reviewer reviewing it.


Well on the good news @jonnypanic has done some good testing of vr interfaces & has reported Viewport works well even i recall better than steamvr for launching & adding titles.

But yeah piplay could use some tweaks & a vr launcher

Viveport, yeah. Good for keeping all of your games in one place and launching them. The new Piplay UI looks ok but won’t launch revive games.

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Wait, Pimax will work with viveport?

Viveport is just a UI for launching SteamVR games, so yeah. Both the desktop overlay and VR menu work fine, but you need controllers to access the VR menu, there is no xbox controller support.

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