Pimax Acessories

What accessories will be delivered with the Pimax. Will we receive the prescription frame, cooling fan and the head strap with earphones day one? How far in development are these items?

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From the FAQ… :slight_smile:

Stretch goals

  • The top priority is the headset, and then the controllers.
  • The industrial design of hand motion ready.
  • eye tracking - working on the industrial design
  • wireless - working with partners
  • face cushion - new design on progress.
  • headstrap - prototype stage
  • content - 2 out of 3 ready
  • cooling fan, VR frame - will be made at the same time

Xunshu has also said that the first deliveries of the 8K will be without accessories most likely.

But in any case we are expecting an update from Pimax this week so we’ll know more (about something at least :P) soon.


About that eye tracking module.
I tried the Tobii eye tracker demo in Amsterdam when they showcased the v3 Pimax prototype. I was heavily impressed by the effect of looking at myself in a mirror and seeing my eyes do what I was actually doing, and also the option of looking at menu items and have them respond just by looking at them. If the eye tracking wasn’t included as stretch goal I would 100% buy it myself even when only few applications can use it.

Same goes for the hand tracking by Leap Motion. I have the original Leap Motion now and using it is like using your own hands in VR, anything less is 10 steps back. But the occlusion problem is a very big problem and that needs to be solved before large adoption of the technology I think.

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