Pimax 8KX Reviews Discussion

Hmmm, astonishing that there are so few reviews out for the 8KX. Almost nothing outside of this forum. Well, I guess they are still all stuck in customs. Or the vast mahority of 8KX backers is corporate devs who are tight-lipped…

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That’s a real shame to not even try it. You should send it on to someone who is excited and will appreciate it like dmel waiting on his preorder.


wow, so you have an 8kx still just sitting in the box since getting it last Friday…you should just sell it if you aren’t even motivated enough to at least try the thing out. I’m sure someone else would be much more excited to have it.


This ^
I read lots of reviews of the 5k+ where people didn’t issues. Now people are posting reviews of the 8KX saying they didnt have issues with the previous headsets and also have no issues with the X. But a few people who had issues with the 5k/8k say they have the same issues with the X.

I didnt get on at all well with the 5k+ and my main issue was one eye was always blurry, like i had vaseline smeared over one eye. People are still having this issue so I’m assuming I will too.

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here are some other people who got the X since days, but don’t do reviews. have seen 7 or 8 in meantime. they only reported for a short time because they had questions about tracking or pitool or some other… then they were gone again.


For lenses @lionel would be a great resource on distortion correction limitations as he was apart of StarVR project.


I also had that at the beginning. Until I found out that the displayed IPD value of the Pimax relates to the IPD for near vision (fokus 50-80cm). The is about 4-6mm below the normal IPD for some people. I see clearly ever since.


Produced, shipped and received are indeed different legs of the process. Received being the finish line for recipients. :pi_thumbsup:


Really? That might explain why I can dial my IPD to 59 while my measured IPD is 64 and still feel less eye strain than closer to 64


That was exactly my experience with the 5K+ and 8K - I have a measured IPD of 64 too, but tuning it down as much as possible improved my experience.

If this is a universally correct assumption it means that Pimax headsets do not support IPD’s in the range of 59-70 (or whatever the exact numbers officially are), but rather 63-74 [values edited] in terms of the far sight measurement people usually assume is meant with the IPD value.

Although I still felt that while tuning it down to 59 was improving the feeling of something being off, but not completely remediating it - I would have loved to dial 2-3 mm further but that isn’t possible.

So Pimax would be well-advised to inform potential customers that a) it is not suitable for any user with an IPD above 66 and b) you need to subtract a couple of mm from your measures IPD when setting the Pimax headsets to work.

Having said the above, if it was this black-white, I bet we would have found out last summer - after all, it would indeed mean that all users with a higher IPD would feel that it is off somehow. Cannot remember the complaint of something feeling off or weird to have been connected to the IPD values that clearly…


My measured IPD is 63, but I’ve found that 60 mm is better for me.

I think you got the second range wrong. Shouldn’t that be higher? That is, the headset covers (roughly) 74-63 mm (based on your “far” IPD) and you need to subtract 3-4 mm to get your “Pimax IPD”.


Same here, needed do dial it way down below my actual IPD.
Otherwise I noticed the black bar (presumably nose overlap area)
far too much.
When I try not to look for it, it is okish but as soon I look for it, I can not unsee it for the whole session.
This is the “something is off” for me, like there is something unnatural lurking right in the middle of your face. If I take my IPD 1on1 this effect is present always.
The CK helped with the fisheye effect a lot though. Still there, but only if I look for straight lines and move my head along.


yes I tried everything right down to 59.9 which was the lowest mine would go - my IPD is 64

By the way, what are the refresh rates for different FOVs? Is there 60Hz?

@Axacuatl @geoffvader you can additional use the digital IPD Control for higher or lower values.

In my experience, it was optimal if I focused both eyes with the crossgrid mod (start screen) and the mechanical IPD controller so that they looked optimally at the lens. Then I use the digital IPD value to adapt to a natural 3D view.

at least that’s tuning, for people who have big problems with visibility.

With the 8k it was not so necessary for me. With the 8k+ and comfort kit, I had the blur in one eye and solved it.

This Solutions I have found here in the forum.

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Well spotted, I have corrected it !


As I already wrote, the area specified by Pimax for the users is available because you can still use the digital offset.

The best would be a digital solution for the individual eyes, but that would confuse the many users.

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on the 8k the setting of 64 felt natural with my ipd of 64. I’m wondering if there’s a difference between that and the 5k+ and if that might be because the 5k+ panels was smaller than originally planned for the 5k and 8k. I mean did they forget to adjust for the different size?

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No, don’t think so, I had both, was pretty much the same…

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Software cant move 2 physical objects closer together no.

Reducing the ipd digitally would make things worse as the object you would be trying to look at would be closer together so you would be looking even further through the “side” of the lens instead of the centre/sweet spot.

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