Pimax 8KX and best IL-2 Sturmovik settings

Good morning, fellow forum members.
I backed the Pimax 8Kx exclusively to be able to fly in the IL-2 Sturmovik simulator for its high resolution and viewing angle, I would like to know if you could help me to make the best possible configuration, both for graphic quality and for a quick spot and planes ID.
I would like to know best configurations of the Nvidia Control Panel, in game settings, PiTool settings and even the startup.cfg file.

My computer is:
Intel i9 11900K
Gigabyte 4400Hrz Ram
Gigabyte Z590 Aorus Pro
Gigabyte AORUS Gen4 SSD 500GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe.

Thank you very much
Tino Costa.


Hi Tino,
I play IL-2 a lot, and in multiplayer only. It is beautiful on 8kx :slight_smile:

First thing first, definitions:
Spotting (= to see plane in long distance)
ID-ing (=short distance plane recognition)
Those two are intentionally made hard in this game. Generally with lower supersampling you have better spotting, and worse ID-ing. High SS makes opposite result.

my settings:

A) Up to 2 months ago, I was using low ss, with resulting vertical resolution about 2600-2700 (EDIT: actually 2604!), and no reprojection - that was my optimal settings. It is really great, and with Nvidia 2080Ti I was satisfied. You can use this even on lower systems, and enjoy your game. Do not forget that big influence in IL-2 has also speed of your CPU (my is i7-8700K, with 4.6GHz top, and can not be overclocked).

B) Lately guys with Reverb G2 found interesting solution ( Link ); to use SS=1.0, with reprojection always on, and spotting was just a little bit worse. I tried it on 8KX, and it is great. The ID-ing is worser, as with reprojection all fast planes looks like double-winged.
But man, that looks really, really beautiful. A breathtaking game :slight_smile: It is good enough just to fly around and enjoy that feeling.
I Had to switch to normal fov from large to preserve constant half of 75 MHz, and maybe to reduce shadows and clouds quality. I play fighters and bombers, no problems here.
I decided to use this settings, and do not want to go back on option A).

So what about other settings in game? Well, you can do something similar like for Reverb G2 (link above), but I prefer it something different, i.e. I like more sharper pic, but with more jaggy edges. As I didn´t change my in-game settings a long time, I might be wrong, but not a lot.

My full settings:

  1. Pitool ss=1, normal fov, smart smoothing on, hidden area mask on. The rest is off, especially foveated rendering and parallel projection!
  2. Steam VR, ss=100% (verticaL resolution 3160),
    video / video settings per application / IL-2 STURMOVIK / ss 100% and reprojection “always on”!!! (do not forget this)

  1. IL-2 startup.cfg:

[KEY = account]
login = “”
password = “”

[KEY = camera]
cinematic = 1
head_smooth = 0.50000
hmd_restricted = 0
shake = 1
vr_zoom_speed = 1.00000

[KEY = force_feedback]
amplitude = 1.00000
enabled = 1
force = 1.00000

[KEY = graphics]
3dhud = 0
adapter = 0
bloom_enable = 0
canopy_ref = 0
desktop_center = 1
detail_rt_res = 1024
draw_distance = 0.00000
far_blocks = 1
fps_counter = 1
fps_limit = 0
full_height = 1080
full_width = 1920
fullscreen = 0
gamma = 0.80000
grass_distance = 0.00000
hdr_enable = 0
land_anisotropy = 2
land_detail = 1
land_tex_lods = 1
max_cache_res = 1
max_clouds_quality = 1
mgpu_compatible = 0
mirrors = 0
msaa = 0
multisampling = 0
or_ca = 0.34907
or_dummy = 0
or_enable = 1
or_height = 3160
or_hud_rad = 0.45000
or_hud_size = 1.35000
or_ipd = 0.07000
or_sipdc = 0.00000
or_width = 3664
post_sharpen = 1
preset = 2
prop_blur_max_rpm_for_vr = 155
rescale_target = 1.00000
shadows_quality = 0
ssao_enable = 0
stereo_dof = 5.00000
vsync = 0
win_height = 650
win_width = 1500

[KEY = input]
exclusive = 1
input_map = “input.map”
mouse_plane_control = 0
old_trackir = 0
turrets_angle_limit = 0.00000
turrets_dc = 0

[KEY = interface]
forces_color_mode = 2
language = “eng”
log = “_gui.log”
scale = -1.00000
showcompas = 1
showicons = 1
units = “metric”
withdebug = 0

[KEY = iservice]
proxy_name = “alpha.il2sturmovik.net:443”
register_url = “”
server_debug = “”
try_ping = 0
try_web_port = 1
use_proxy = 1

[KEY = network]
available_ip = “”
client_download_traflimit = 4096
client_ip = “”
client_upload_traflimit = 1024
downloader_port = 28100
server_download_traflimit = 8192
server_upload_traflimit = 4096
tcp_port = 28000
udp_port = 28000

[KEY = sound]
count = 32
debug_radio = 0
interface = 1
interface_music = 1
quality = 1
speedenable = true
volume = 0.07000

[KEY = system]
bin_log_folder = “”
chatlog = 0
debug_info = 0
debug_render = 0
dlgbox_sky = 0
gamelog = 0
keep_binary_log = 0
mgenlog = 0
mission_text_log = 0
modes = 0
playoffline = 0
reset_configs = 0
reset_effects = 0
reset_textures = 0
sdebug = 0
show_net_skins = 1
skin_dir = "graphics\Skins"

[KEY = telemetrydevice]
addr = “”
decimation = 2
enable = true
port = 4322

[KEY = track_record]
fx_sound = 2
record_graphics_effect = 1
record_ground_vehicles = 1
tacviewrecord = 0

[KEY = updater]
language = “eng”
locales = “rus,eng,ger,spa,fra,pol”
seed = 1

  1. ingame settings:
    Preset: High

UI scale: auto
shaddows: off
Mirrors: off
Distant landscape: x2
Canopy reflections: Off
Horizon: 40km
Landscape filter: blurred
Terrain: low
Grass: off
Clouds: medum
Antialiasing type: FXAA
Target FPS: off
Dynamic resolution factor: full (max)
Antialiasing: off
Gamma: 0.8

On right side enabled only
4k textures,
distant buildings.

  1. Also I need to mention, there is one steamvr overlay program, VRNeckSaver. It is excellent program, I use it to easier check my 6; when I turn my head back (ca. 60deg, program adds additional 45deg, and I can see my 6 whit in sweet spot)

  2. If you still have problems ID-ing planes, try this little game on cell phone, in free time :slight_smile: IL-2 plane recognition game


Hello BrziJoe.
Thank you very much for your invaluable help.
I’ll try your advice as soon as I can and let you know.

Thanks again.


Hello again BrziJoe.
I have tried your configuration and I have to say that I like it.
It runs very smooth, but I have a problem, there is no way to find the IL-2 in video settings per application, so I can’t force the reprojection and that causes a lot of artifacts.
How can I get SteamVR to include IL-2 in its library?
It’s a pity because it looks very good.

Thank you very much.

I think I know what is your problem; if you do not have BOS steam version (but bought directly from developer), IL-2 will not be permanently accesible in steamvr settings.
You can acces it there when game is running, same as for other non steam vr games/mods.
Edit it, and then restart.

Take care that forced constant reprojection does not work every time; sometimes you will see many artefacts, like looking trough water; then you have to restart all.

Thank you very much!
I had no idea how to configure IL-2 “per application”. It worked!
I also use NeckSafer and those of us who are over fifty years old appreciate it :slight_smile:

Tino Costa AKA 15(Span.)/JG51Costa

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Tread moved to “Games & Software Game on” section.

Tip, - Nvidia Control Panel 3D settings:
Antialiasing - Gamma Correction - Off

Makes spotting much easier and more.


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