Pimax 8k+ with 1080TI and no Parallel Projection is so cool!

Look mate I only offer that not everyone has found this hack to be the solution to enjoying PCars2. You think it’s “cool” and I am, as I said, “glad it works for you” You seem to want to debate who said what and what that means in a language where, yes, your communication as well as mine (could) be mean things are “lost in translation”. happens all the time in this international forum. The Chinese are really pros at it. :grinning:
My intention was not to offend, but to point out that not everyone finds these hacks a solution and in particular in PCars2 sufficient to the task. Feel free to disagree. I support your right to do so.
The same Oculus ID hack makes the original Dirt Rally’s performance much better, but introduces periodic clipping of lighting textures. Whether that would be an acceptable trade off is also a personal decision.
Your opinion on things doesn’t have to be shared by me to have validity to someone else. nor does mine. A chacun son gout
As i like to say, if we all liked the same thing there would only be one thing.

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This is what I dont understand, since the beggening, I says it is better in every possible ways, no trade off since it removes gliches provocated by SmartSmoothing while being able to use it.
The game looks better.
It is smoother.
It had less glitches.
Iam not talking about personal decision but facts and thats why I dont see the point of this, I am not saying “I prefer Dirt to Dirt2”, I says you can enjoy (Yes since when you cant run it at 72 pure fps at least, most of people use SmartSmoothing) PC2 with a “old” GPU with a Pimax8kPlus (that is very GPU demanding to get good image and I am not the first saying that) using this trick and yes this is cool because no graphics trade off.

Cheers :beers:

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No you certainly don’t so let it go

What value in the text file should I take for the Artisan? What does this value actually say? Best regards :slight_smile:

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The value in the text file is the Steam ID of the game.
For instance for PC2 it is extracted from the URL on Steam website : Project CARS 2 on Steam

So Pitool can launch it correctly and make the link.

It is the same for every Pimax headsets, dont have to change it for the Artisan :+1:
Only have to change it for other games.


Ok nice to know, thank you :slightly_smiling_face:
The value for DCS is 223750


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I was…testing things and looking to find settings to make it run at best to get less shimmering as possible and aliasing for DCS.
I found out that with my 1080TI i had to run it at 72hz, with SmartSmoothing and MSA x4 to get best image, very smooth, very good.
BUT…when I started Steam to see difference I forgot to turn PP back on and…oh…
[color=PINK]DCS no longer need PP on to work on a Pimax now[/color], didnt know that lol.

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I’m running @120HZ and 60FPS now on DCS with 2xMSAA and pitool @1:25.

Did you try x-plane? It seems it don’t work in vr without steam. Can’t start in vr like dcs without steamvr.

Hey, me again☺️ I can’t get iL-2 to start in VR. Have you tried it? I really don’t wanna use steam😆Best regards Henry

Hi Henry !
Yes I did try IL2, it does start without any issues by pitool using 307960 number.
I did not went further since I noticed IL2 no longer requires PP on.

Cheers :beers:


Hey thx for reply :slight_smile: I tried it but sadly no success, i put the files in the game directory, set the number in text file and make a shortcut in pitool, but it only starts in 2D. I have no steam or steamvr installed. VR option ingame is enabled.

Best regards Henry

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