Pimax 8k stuck on black screen with solid red and blue lights on

Hi. After downgrading from pitool 1.0.121 beta fw 211 to pitool 103 r191, my pimax is stuck as in the picture.

Any help please ?

I solved it.
For anyone that would find himself/herself in the same situation, this is what I did

To write the firmware to headset

C:\Program Files\Pimax\Runtime\Dfu.exe

firmware file:



C:\Program Files\Pimax\Runtime\dfudriver\p2.dfu


that state would also be normal if no pimax software is active like pimax service not running or no pimax software installed, that can be the normal state when hmd is swithed off, if PiServiceLauncher service is running the hmd should then get switched on, the hmd led would go green and the panels should show the pimax logo or the pimax planet scenery
i guess in your case the firmware might not match with the older pitool you installed, pimax does not guarantee (or even specify) that a different pitool version runs with another firmware then the one that comes with the pitool version as “p2.dfu” when upgrading then pitool checks the hmd for to old firmware but i guess there is no check for a “to new” firmware, most hardware vendors just dont “permit” software downgading, simply because they dont want to check backward compatibility and dont want customers unnecessary fiddle around with firmware downgrades

so in theory its always needed to downgrade the firmware with the pitools, in irl cases its not always needed but there is no guarantee so the safe path would be using the p2.dfu file that comes with the pitool


Thank you for the reply!
I wanted to use Pitool 1.0.121 BETA FW 211 .

I installed it but there is a problem with my vrfree overlay program.

If I turned it on, everything slow down in my headset. It freezes and the image move at blocks. I can not use anymore/test the vrfree gloves :frowning:

This is why I need to revert back .

do you have any idea why I am having such problem with the vrfree overlay and the new updated pitool and firmware ?

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no, you may contact the support or dev’s at pimax but i guess that this kind of exotic vr extensions will be low on the todo list, pimax is using leap motion as extension module and that will be kind of guaranteed that leap motion will work with pitools (i guess)


I am planning to get that module but the question is when will it be released …who knows!


I have the same problem.
After dfu firmware flashing a new monitor appears but pitool updater immediately reflashes new bad firmware! How to disable this autoupdate???

Hi @IG88 , did you find a solution for what mentioned here by @gryphonv ?