Pimax 8K May 25tn update discussion

You are referring to their “last message”, in which Xunshu just said that they are assembling the M1 units. And then you conclude that “clearly … they are lying”. So for me as the reader you are saying that they claim to be assembling the m1 while that in truth is not the case.
If that is not what you wanted to say - perhaps be more careful with what you write next time. Especially if you accuse somebody of lying. In most cultures that is not something you say light-heartedly about somebody else and it will often be understood as an insult, an offence. I do not know your cultural background but would expect it to be the same for you.

If you want to say that you believe that their communication has been contradictory at times - why not use such phrasing then ? Then most of us would probably agree, and nobody would think that you are trying to insult them on a point, where everybody clearly understands that you don’t have the faintest clue whether their claim to be assembling the M1 units is actually true or not.

So much can be achieved if one chooses the right words, and does not unnecessarily resort to insults and strong allegations where the actual facts do not support them (yet).

Maybe we will learn later on that Pimax lied to us. Maybe we will learn that they did not lie but were overly optimistic. Or maybe they will deliver the M1 to testers next week. Only time will tell, but for the meantime perhaps not just insult people without good reason?

If you had used more moderate words, meaning language which is not inappropriate, nobody would have felt the need to respond to you this way, you know.


thanks for the tips.
you have a good day.
a greeting and peace for all.

I will not continue with this topic … time will tell.


Wasn’t that last message from @deletedpimaxrep1 actually from April?

fantastic that the units are being assembled. given they are literally coming off an assembly line i dont expect that to take long. great to see the progress. cant wait to see how the test units fare.


I’ve disassembled my Pimax 4k and assembled it again over 10 times now, I think I can do it within 15 minutes (disassemble + assemble again everything). So a ‘team’ of engineers should certainly be done within 1-2 days. That means we should now hear good news from Pimax VERY soon! Or … they’re lying. Time will (very soon) tell.


Why? It keeps dying or why disassemble 10 zimes?


I have positive vibrations.
Next time we would like to Know what is fine and what is wrong for Pimax about M1
Hopefully Beta Testers will confirm Pimax report

Hacking/modding the HMD:) My Pimax 4k has no longer any shutter glasses and I’ve increased the distance between the lenses, these were basically the main reasons.


We were asking for weekly updates, at least we got it. Effectively they still have time, so it’s too early too say they lied or anything. Otherwise I am still worried to not have seen pictures of any hmds for a while… I don’t get what they actually test…

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What do you personally feel would be a normal time for a team of 4-5 engineers to assemble 10 units? Just wondering.

Most of us know that every date that Pimax gives is insanely optimistic. I’m hoping I get my full 8K before the end of the year but I’m doubtful of even that. Don’t confuse my comment as pessimism though, it’s just the way things are.

@deletedpimaxrep1 Are you finding more issues as you assemble the M1’s? Issues with the new lenses, or any other part? Do you need to periodically test the HMD as you assemble it? Or is everything going smoothly? Any info given is greatly appreciated!

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I don’t know, but as said before, assembling a product like that shouldn’t take long, and it looks like they are assembling for a long long time… Also as said before, they showed a picture of worker team more than a month ago, what they have been doing since that moment ?
I see two possibilities : 1) Just bad communication, they encounter normal problem and that’s it. 2) They are totally exceeded and they try to hide it.
I still think that 1) is the right one, but I am worrying…

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Err… this whole thread is about nothing else than Xunshu’s update of a couple of hours ago… :wink:

@Sjef: well, you would hopefully expect them to not assemble 10 M1 units and then just ship them immediatelly without at least a minimum of QA testing ??


Does it not occur to some people that Pimax may have been assembling more than one M1 version? They have had to revise and go back and assemble M1 again and again to get it correct. So, is it reasonable to suggest they are not lying at all.


Take more days, Take more weeks,Take more months … Take the time you need … :sweat_smile:

Exactly like that, do some basic QA testing. Or do you expect them to test each unit for days? They should just see if everything is assembled correctly and if it works. The whole testing shouldn’t take even 1 day. I think Pimax should be able to ship out monday IF they’re not lying and assembly actually has started already.

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I’m not sure I follow you. They have parts for M1, they need to assemble it. Not sure what you’re saying here?

I am suggesting that each time they assemble the M1 units they may have encountered some unforeseen issue either with the internal workings the outer housing or something else or during testing which might need tweaking/adjustment. I assume there is a process of building, testing, troubleshooting then starting the process again until they are happy with the finished product. This could explain why they have seemingly been assembling M1 units since they first posted the picture of suited up workers. That’s my reasoning anyway.

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I’m pretty sure that actually was the process leading up to M1. They’re now finished with that and now just need to assemble it and ship it.