Pimax 8K Display Brightness Issue

Hello There!
i have this thing that concern me about the headset , while i read on websites reviews like UploadVR and other discussions that when they first tried the prototype of the Pimax 8K headset , they noticed the brightness is too low , and to be honest that’s a deal breaker for me , i owned an Oculus rift on release and an HTC Vive , and i had to sell my Oculus Rift because of the much more better brightness in the HTC Vive and other aspects like Tracking and etc…

so i want to know is the Pimax 8K the edition that will be sent to backers from Kickstarter will have that brightness issue solved, i want to be a backer , but that thing is holding me back

Thanks for your Help!

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That was the review as of Jan 2017; the proof of concept. Please check the forums as there are recent reviews that address this is no longer the case. A couple of users here have tried out the newer model @ ifa & svvr & there is a “Tested” review.


Check out Tested review but also read the following on FOV clarification.



Thank you so much for this great information :slight_smile: To be honest after reading the reviews you posted , i can tell that the brightness issue is still there, because of the technology of display used in the Pimax 8K which is CLPL instead of OLED or AMOLED like other headsets , which tells us that the backlight is little weak so the display is less bright , and that is a big issue for me , for some reason brightness make a huge difference for me, when i used the Oculus Rift i liked it but i felt its little dim or not bright enough , but when i put the VIVE on my head i was totally sold for that bright vivid screen, which made all the difference for me , it made the experiences breathe and come to life , i know i may be exaggerating but for me it is like this , maybe for others its not something important.

what i want to know now is how does it compare to the Brightness of the VIVE or Oculus Rift , if anyone can tell the difference that would be really helpful for me


it’s not weak at all. Just remove the shutter glasses and you’ll see it’s way too bright.

“shutter glasses”

Are they the filters that are there to protect the eyes?

Yeah, I noticed that between the Pimax 4K and the HTC Vive. The Pimax 4K is darker in games than the Vive, and apparently this is due to filters on the Pimax 4K that protect your eyes. It results in some games/experiences being unplayable in certain sitauations.

I’m going to get the Oculus too, just to see how that compares to the Vive, so I am interested to know that its brightness is not as good as the Vive, thanks.

I thought that they had solved this brightness issue in the 8K, so now I am intrigued to find out for myself, somehow.

They’re shutter glasses, not ‘filters that are there to protect the eyes’ athough since they work like sunglasses they also will protect the eyes somewhat.

The Pimax 8k doesn’t have them (doesn’t need them because the panels are low persistence), hence brightness SHOULD be a lot better. Then again, low persistence in itself will also mean somewhat lower brightness I guess.

So, in the Pimax 4K, the filters and the shutter glasses are 2 different things?

Both seem to come up all over the place, as a means to improve the brightness issue, e.g. in this thread:

People including me initially thought it were just sunglasses to protect the eyes. Then we found out it was electronically connected and that ghosting increased a lot when you removed them. They look so much like shutter glasses that it would make a lot of sense for them to be that. Pimax never confirmed it though. But it has to be, since the ‘cool colour’ option (the option to protect againt blue light) is not related to this neither. So I’m 99% sure they’re shutter glasses to lower ghosting (which they seem to do pretty effectively)

Okay, thanks, sjefdeklerk

got another one for you, although I may have misread/misinterpreted the above…

hang on…

Remove them, but…

[quote=“Sjef, post:7, topic:3171, full:true”]

sorry :slight_smile:

Not sure what you mean mate. But again, brightness in the pimax 4k is NOT so low due to the panel itself. Actually it’s a very very bright panel. It’s just because those shutter glasses that it looks so dull. If you remove them you’ll get a very bright and colourful image. In fact so bright that you need to lower the brightness to low_level_2 and that’s still a bit too bright.

Pimax 8k doesnt have them, BUT they implemented low persitence, which means the panels will be off 50% of the time, so that will also lower brightness I guess. Not sure how much though. The reports that we’ve seen lately seem hopeful

I just realised what you meant:

There’s no need for actual filters.

My bad, sorry


Well I am quite sure that it’s brightness will be quite good. The 4k lcd screen used in the 4k model is too bright even at lowest setting with the shudder glass removed. Thr 8k is using clpl 4k display with no shudder glass.

Now if they used 4k oleds (which are not being made til something like end of 2018 to sometime 2019) you will have considerably less pixel density.

But lets ask @deletedpimaxrep1 @PimaxVR @Matthew.Xu

Could you post the brightness specs in lux as per this article? What is the max brightness of the 8k in lux? (though it seems by the search most are turning vive brightness down lol)



Also to be fair the clpl lens are a new design. - no other headset has them and Pimax has said that the brightness is comparable to oled and we have not seen them use anything in piplay brightness settings as they have for the 4k, so there is also a possibility if someone does think it’s too dull that they can add the brightness settings as they did with the 4k



Some of the issues with the 8k display, because it’s the first prototype, both the hardware and the software needs to continue to improve. With the hardware and the software upgrades, we can solve these issues,so please don’t worry about this, we’ll make the display to the optimal effect.

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but low persistence means the display is off 50% of the time. In theory it should look darker then, right ?

As we explained in the FAQ, We have completely eliminated ghosting and improved brightness with the CLPL.


But it’s hard to guess how much it improved. That’s why we need more reviewers but if I understand correctly, they’re in the pipeline.

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I suffer from low vision in dim lighting, and the vive just cleared the bar for me. I’ve also solicitations info about it and my responses were from a reviewer of the 8k and pimax itself. The reviewer said it’s the same as the vive. Pimax said they had solved the brightness issue and also used words like improved brightness, which unfortunately doesn’t give us any comparative idea to other hmd. I am a backer, after hearing the reviewer say I’ll be fine if the vive was fine for me. I think pimax should change their wording of “improved” as I could say my friend has improved at running, but doesn’t tell you how long he can run. We all would like a brightness spec please :slight_smile: @deletedpimaxrep1 @Pimax-Support @PimaxVR @Matthew.Xu