Pimax 8K as one of Road To VR four most important stories from CES and what it mean for VR in 2018

Summary of comments from Road to VR:

Seeing Pimax slipping on the initial backer delivery date isn’t overtly concerning.

Pimax will need to fix [some issues] before the headset feels market ready. Among them: distracting blurring and reflections (despite an otherwise awesome field of view), insufficient tracking, and questions surrounding ergonomics.

Pimax needs to nail the basics (not just get close), especially since it’s one of the most expensive offerings out there. The company doesn’t yet seem to have mastered Valve’s SteamVR Tracking technology that they’re employed for the headset, and questions remain about what the finished head strap and controllers will actually look like.

If Pimax plans to meet the quality bar set by headsets like the Rift and Vive, we don’t expect to see the headset launch before mid-2018, in order to give the company time to finalize their design, tune up outstanding issues, and sort out manufacturing issues which always seem to crop up during initial production.

In Spanish:

(He cambiado el orden de algunas frases y un poco el texto sólo para hacerlo más legible en castellano)

Resumen de comentarios de Road To VR:

Que Pimax retrase la fecha de entrega inicial no es demasiado preocupante; es casi la norma con los proyectos de kickstarter.

A pesar de tener un campo de visión impresionante, Pimax deberá corregir algunos problemas antes de que sus gafas se vean listas para el mercado. Entre ellos: la borrosidad y los reflejos que distraen, un tracking insuficiente y una mejor ergonomía.

Pimax necesita perfeccionar lo básico, no solo quedarse cerca; especialmente, porque es una de las ofertas más caras. La compañía aún no parece haber dominado la tecnología de tracking de Valve y nos quedan preguntas sobre cómo se verán en realidad las correas y el aspecto final de los controladores.

Si Pimax planea llegar al nivel de calidad establecido por Rift y Vive, no esperamos ver el lanzamiento de los auriculares antes de mediados de 2018, con el fin de darle tiempo a la compañía para finalizar su diseño, ajustar los problemas pendientes y resolver los problemas de fabricación que siempre parecen surgir al principio de la producción.


Oh faster them me by 10 minutes :sunglasses: a good analysis of the situation…


“it’ll likely take some back and forth between backers and Pimax before the headset is truly ready for open sale”

Naah, get outta heere! We won’t do thaat… right? :joy:


It’s a pretty good mostly fair article.

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Not at all possible with the mature levels of discussion to be found here on the forums /S!

Keep at it Pimax, there are those of us who can comprehend what it being done and support you, being in this for the long run. Pimax to VR if they succeed will be what 3DFX was to accelerated 3D Cards in the beginning. Ask Nvidia about them if you are a little young to know of 3DFX. I have seen VR from the early days (now did that induce motion sickness) and with 3D Vision glasses on monitors but I believe what is being worked on by Pimax will open the door to good quality VR experiences.

So, take a breath and exercise a modicum of patience. It should be well worth it. Please engage in constructive criticism and save the infantile rants for the baby cot.

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I’m waiting for the announcement of the “plan” by pimax and then see what their next actions will be.