I was thinking about this yesterday and came to the exact same conclusion ! I think the lack of physical IPD adjustment is a huge flaw in the 4k design, there’s something really weird going on. If I measure the distance between my pupils in the mirror, it’s about 6.8 cm. Now that’s also the IPD that would give the best results for me on Android with a VR goggle.
However with the Pimax 4k when I use 68 mm as IPD, the result is way too blurry. After testing for a long time, I’m now using 59 mm as optimum IPD setting in the Pimax 4k. This yields the sharpest image for me. HOWEVER, one big negative side effect is that I use the Pimax 4k for a while, like an hour, and I turn off the headset, my eyes really need to adjust again to the environment and they really feel tired. I THINK what’s happening here is that because the lenses can’t be adjusted is that my eyes are forced to look more to the middle (I think the English word is ‘to squint’), which is really tiring my eyes.
Long story short, we really need physical IPD adjustment !
It should not be a question of focus !
But of double vision or not.
Do you have 20/20 vision ?
If yes check to see if the center of the lenses are clear.
you may have blurriness in the center of your lenses, and clear on the edges.
That would explain your extreme 59mm choice.
By the way this would make every thing you see in pimax look smaller than is should.
Weird thing, I have a reasonable miopia (short sighted)
With glasses or contacts pimax is blury and out of focus.
Without it’s perfect. Which makes me wonder if it is just by chance my prescription matches the pimax design.
If a person has 20 20 vision is it blury ?
I would love to know how the Rift and Vive get over this.
There is one company (VR Lens Lab) making correction lenses for these products so I suspect that they have a similar problem.