Pimax 8k+ always has dark screen

My friend just buy pimax 8k+ and use with his laptop.

Gpu is 2070.

When open the HMD, the screen always dark and no image to show. The game still can track the headset.

Sometime it need to reboot the HMD or restart the laptop.

I found this issue sometimes when change the refresh rate on 5k+ and need to restart the pc because plugout the power or reboot HMD not help.

Who found this issue? Not sure that it caused by laptop or software or HMD.

Maybe try to restart service in Pitool.

Sometimes, reboot hmd is work. It is ramdomly issue.

Sry for me if i get a problem restart off pc fix it.

Today my friend just get the index controller and base station.

Base station always blink and still be found only 1 base station, when finished pairing controller , the hmd still be black screen.

So I reboot the HMD, but when reboot the HMD, the base station and controller are disconnected. I have to pair the controller again and base station become connected.

It look these issue are always happened since the first time I got the first pimax 5k+ and still never solved.

Not only this headset, other one which just get headset need to restart service and reboot the pc a lot of times.

So I think that it will not easy for general consumer user. It should fix these issue permanently because the beginner user will not be appreciate about difficulty of installation.

Hi Bubbleball,

We will forward your message to our software engineer. Hopefully they could prepare a procedure/installation notes to make it friendly.


I just test using nolo vr with pimax 5k+ and it always become black screen too, after it get the black screen. I need to restart my pc.

Not sure because there is no enough power or anything.

Hi Bubbleball,

Could you please open a ticket? We will ask our technician to diagnose the problems.

So after you reboot the PC, the HMD can work without any black screen?


Always not be solved by reboot, but may solve on pimax 8k+

Hi Bubbleball,

Could you please open a ticket? We hope your problems could be review by our technician. As this might help them to diagnose it and figure out a solution for this general problems.


I create the ticket right now, wait doman chen to investigate.

for some problem, I will not it here to check and test again.

Hi Bubbleball,

Doman will help you to diagnose the problems. Pretty sure he will resolve the problems.


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