Pimax 8k+ : About blur

Hello, I have an 8k+ as of today. All the settings are going well, except for the blur.

What can I influence to improve the blur?

Thank you very much.

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Have you tried adjusting the IPD and physically moving the headset around to find the sweetspot? On the 8K+ and 8KX the headset will need to be in a fairly specific spot to get the best visuals.

Alternatively, the issue could be due to some hidden SteamVR settings. If that is the case it will look blurry on Large FOV but will look significantly better on Potato FOV. That is because the total resolution is being artificially limited by SteamVR and gets stretched out in the larger FOVs. You can improve this by changing the Max Recommended Resolution and GPU Speed settings.

You can either:

  • Change the settings manually.
  • Run this script. You will occasionally need to rerun it since SteamVR will gradually overwrite your settings.
  • Change the profile settings in Pimax Experience (link to version 0.6).

Note that some games will have issues if the actual resolution (not the maxRecommendedResolution setting) goes above 4096. This includes SteamVR home and some other Valve games.


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