I have pledged for the Pimax 8K product but given my experience with the 4K, I am having some doubts. I’ve only been able to get the 4K to work with PiPlay 1.2.97. Period. Even then there is a song and dance…plug/unplug/retry to get it going. PiPlay 2.0.x fails to tie in with SteamVR. Every single time.
Will the 8K and 8K X be compatible with older builds locked to PiPlay 2.0.x and up? That software appears to be non-functional for anything except video viewing.
If the answer isn’t readily available, I would like to speak to support about it.
There were even piplay versions that didnt even start at all. They’re released under the ‘beta program’ name but more often they’re more untested alpha builds. In the end Pimax seems to fix things although it took them a year to get the renderer right and they still have drift issue’s.
Then again, Pimax did hire additional engineers this year so who knows, it might improve.
I would say your going to need newer piplay version with the new headsets.
As for the issue with your 4k model. It might be an idea to see if you & support can setup a time for a skype with teamviewer. As they can likely fix the issue your having.
I think you need help from PIMAX support. Now 4K is already starting with version 2.0. You can get support by teamviewer.
As Heliosurge say the timezone differences can be a challenge.