Pimax 7th-Anniversary 8KX Artwork. What is it worth?

Just curious how much that Artwork is worth?

Well, as much as a defunct 8KX and a frame plus an hour of work would be worth. I‘d guess all in all around 50-100$. But perhaps some folks will be willing to dish out more, just put it up for sale and see if you get any offers you fancy.


Yea, I’ll check it out more. I’ve been on a eBay craze just I’m just wandering around the house looking at what I can sell heh. Its number 29 our of a 100 and signed. Not sure that means anything but I’ll just check around.

Thank for the help

Didn’t buy it then so I value it about the same :grinning:

I got £25 for my framed 8KX in pieces on Ebay :smiley:

If anybody in Europe fancy to sell theirs, I might be interested. It would allow me to sell off my functional 8KX which I currently hold on to more for sentimental reasons than any plans on future use…

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