Pimax 5K XR glasses with XPlan11, version 11.50b4


As a positive Pimax 5K XR user:

When I start the video recordings in XPlan11
with the Pimax 5K glasses and PiTool and SteamVR,
the recordings are about twice as fast as
in real flight and in view on the screen
without Pimax 5K XR glasses!

I haven’t received the controller + base station yet,
and have to make do with the keyboard.

Does anyone know of a tip for the inflated one
Speed in my R44?

Thanks and greetings from Switzerland


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Hi Christian,

Welcome to the Open[color=orange]MR[/color]!

Can you post your system specs?

There are a few users whom may have some ideas. @SweViver @mixedrealityTV @VoodooDE and @yanfeng may have some ideas.


As a positive Pimax 5K XR user:

When I start the video recordings in XPlan11
with the Pimax 5K glasses>SN:2012
and PiTool>V2020.3.24, Headset Firmware>V2.1.255.255
and SteamVR 1.10.32,
the recordings are about twice as fast as
in real flight and in view on the screen
without Pimax 5K XR glasses!

I haven’t received the controller + base station yet,
and have to make do with the keyboard> is ok!

Does anyone know a tip for the high speed in the Pimax 5K XR glasses
in the R44 helicopter?

Thanks and greetings from Switzerland


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Hello solved my problem so far !!!

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Il would be great if you told us how you solved this.

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