Pimax 5k+ stuck in firmware flashing DFU mode because of Thrustmaster drivers (SOLVED)

Hey Guys,

maybe you can help me with this: The Led on my 5k+ keeps flashing red, green and blue.

Pitool 266 told me that a new firmware version is available but when I tried to flash it, it would be stuck at 0%. After 20 minutes I closed pitool and my heaset was working just fine. I then started dfu.exe and without selecting a firmware file i clicked on download firmware. I thought it would either download a firmware file, or tell me that it cannot flash a firmware, because I had not selected one. Sadly, instead it entered the flashing mode and progressed up to 98%. Then nothing happened. After another 20 minutes i restarted everything, but my headset remains in what I think is DFU mode. the led keeps on flahing red, green and blue.

Since I had no firmware file selected when I started the download in DFU.exe, I think that it either deleted the firmware on the headset and flashed no new one, or it didn’t do anything and my headset is fine.

Is there a way to force it to not start in DFU mode?

That same thing happened to me last week. Headset firmware failed to update. blinking headset lights red green blue. I did a windows system recovery and that fixed it but I believe some others here said. Just rebooting computer fixed it for them.


Found another thread here and the solution worked perfectly, although my scenario was a bit different because of the DFU.exe tool

Since the Guillemot driver software is mentioned there, I uninstalled the Thrustmaster Target Software first, which came with my TWCS Throttle. (I remembered that Thrustmaster has bought Guillemot a few years back and as it turns out that was in 1999 :sweat_smile:) Then I unplugged the throttle and followed these instructions:


After this I was able to flash my 5k+ to V2.1.255.269 from within PiTool

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Huh, maybe I was wrong about the thrustmaster drivers. I reinstalled the Target Software but these two folders have not reappeared:
C:\Program Files\Guillemot
C:\Program Files(x86)\Guillemot

I guess I’ll see when the next firmware update becomes available.

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