Pimax 5k+ received! Early experience (Spamenigma)

I always leave the AV on while connected to the internet. If I run into a problem with installs. I disconnect from the internet & disable the AV & install trusted programs as admin. After install successful re-enable AV & perform scan; after scan complete I reconnect to the Internet.

@Serinity yeah Norton is not that great anymore; I recall when it was one of the best. Comodo AV is not bad & it likes to sandbox your web browsers. Not sure how it would work on pimax & likes to ask you often about launching programs it’s not familiar with. Kodi for example will not launch without opening it in a sandbox.


Yeah this SDE thing is kinda worrying me.
To me, SDE standard is Pimax 4k, which is quit acceptable but dont want something lower, the Vive one is a nightmare compare to the 4k and after the 4k!
According to what I read, I am SDE sensitive.
But you never tried it :frowning:


No problem, I’ve been climbing the walls for info and impressions ever since backing… so happy to do my best to help now I have the opportunity to.


Sounds very exciting and super awesome!


I had the same issue on the 8k. Had to update back to 84 to get it to connect. it kept saying to plug in the DP/hdmi.

I have been playing with Pitool at 1.25 with steamvr ss set to give 2880*x per eye (to just over 3000)


I didn’t have to pay extra tax in Canada either.

is Anyone else having trouble with forum on mobile phone? it loads but no content (was fine this morning) I do have malware bytes installed


@Sean.Huang posted a chart on pitool parallel projection settings in a variety of games

Ah, thanks for reminding me that exists. I assume you mean this post:


I looked the other day and totally forgot again because I had no HMD then :smiley:


14 posts were merged into an existing topic: 8k Arrived Oct 17 2018 -Helio

Thank you so much for all the info when you must really just want to play with your new toy :grinning:
Can I ask you as someone who hates SDE and pixilation of 1st gen HMD’s
If the Vive SDE is 100% noticeable and distracting what percentage would you put the 5k SDE at?
I know it is subjective to some degree but just give you opinion having experienced both HMD’s
Also the pixilation and general lack of clarity was bad enough for me not to enjoy race sims, using the same guide where you would put 5k clarity as compared with the Vive?
Many thanks.

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I am SO envious. I’ll need to wait at least a couple of months to see it myself. (Backer # 31XX)


He already answered that SDE question a few posts above:

Vive 8/10, Rift 7/10, 5K+ 3.5/10… going from memory… I will do some comparison testing this weekend with all my HMD’s to refresh my memory and compare properly and revisit my scores

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@Chucksta was not super happy with the SDE on 8k, interesting.

Edit. maybe thats one of the reason the 3 awesome heroes of ours preferred the 5k+, the pattern of the SDE?


Yeah seems counter to everything we have heard from the testers.

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Yeah like, “you see it if you try to look for it” but is it more annoying on 8k when you actually see it? (edit. judging by the thru-lens shoots, I think so) Very interesting and definately very giggity.

It’s in line with what (most of the) Spanish testers said.

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Hey, no verbal dumping on my post! keep it civil please! :slight_smile:


I want a neural implant… :beers::innocent::+1::sparkles:


Sir, one question! are you british? i hope so cause you guys are critical lol so this would be extra gud news


Oh btw, what FOV settings did you try in these impressions above? Also, which is your preferred settings? did you try all three? would you keep the large fov or is the medium fov almost the same…?