Pimax 5K Plus Review: A Fresh Look at Ultrawide VR (Tom's Hardware Redux)


“peripheral vision in VR is a experience that will rekindle your love for VR.”

Hmmm… https://community.openmr.ai/t/pimax-5k-has-rekindled-my-passion-for-vr/15828/


Haha nice catch ! :face_with_monocle:

Maybe this is a BUSTED ?

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Weird. They found the Normal FOV setting to be more graphically demanding than either Large or Small FOV setting.

I wouldn’t trade my pimax for a vive pro either.


I think that’s because SteamVR’s auto-detect setting increases the quality too much for Normal FOV, compared with Large FOV. I assume manually decreasing the quality a bit in Normal FOV from the SteamVR auto-detect settings would solve this.

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Maybe it’s the 4096 resolution limitation in SteamVR.

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Actually I’d say that review is spot on for me, it’s a decent headset but the build quality and comfort are poor. My 5k isn’t usable out of the box I have to put bubble wrap over my nose then it works really well.


I had a quick read through & it seems like a pretty spot on review.
I would agree with most of it

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Great balanced review, Kevin took a lot of stick here on the forums (mostly unfairly) and it’s good to see he took some of the few legitimate points on board.

Fully agree it’s not 2nd gen yet, but nice to see it is still on the table:

The Pimax 5K Plus is not a perfect VR headset, but it’s certainly not a bad one. We wouldn’t trade in a HTC Vive Pro for a 5K Plus, but we would consider it if we were looking for an upgrade from the original HTC Vive.

Good write-up @Pumcy :+1:


“We wouldn’t trade in a HTC Vive Pro for a 5K Plus”
“cons: expensive”

The tester probably disqualified himself with this contradiction.


Let him stay with his Vive Pro then lol

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I wouldn’t say this is a disqualification. He did offer some justification for why he thinks the $800 Vive Pro (with included headstrap and headphones) is a better value than the $700 Pimax 5K+, but he could have done a better job drawing the contrasts too. I agree that the $700 pricetag is a tad steep for the 5K+… not by much, but by a little.

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What stuck out for me was the fact that he credited Valve with Brainwarp. It’s reasonable to expect a reviewer to do a little more research when they write about a product so they don’t misinform people. Taking away from the accomplishment the programmers at Pimax managed leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

That said, I still think he raises some valid points. Can’t help but think the benchmarks got a little screwy because of the SteamVR max resolution though. He would probably get some more understandable results if he used the fix for that, though a lot of people are likely to make the same mistake as him.


Yeah I hope they do what they said they would do and ship different face foam with the hmd. This would help improve the out of box experience. Also they deluxe strap will help too. Wish they had these ready. To go when they shipped us the hmd. I mean that had over a year where the physical design was done. To me seems like they could have had these done already.

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When did I credit Valve with Brainwarp?
The version of PiTool those tests were done on was before Brainwarp was available.
I was talking about motion smoothing.

I am not familiar with the “max resolution” fix that you speak of. Can you share a link?

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I agree, I could have spent more time with the contrasting points. If it were my website, I would have written a much longer article. I don’t have that luxury at the moment, though.

It’s really difficult to articulate your full thoughts when you have to keep an article within a two page constraint.


I have a Vive Pro and two Pimax headsets and I don’t plan to get rid of either. I don’t understand what point you were trying to make.

My reviews are meant to inform consumer who will be throwing down their own money to pick up a VR headset. If they already have a Vive Pro, it’s not worth getting a Pimax 5K+.
If they have a Vive and want an upgrade, its a big upgrade and worth considering.

For the record, I haven’t turned my Vive Pro on since I worked on the Pimax review but I definitely miss the freedom of my wireless kit, so I’ll be switching back soon.


It not worth getting a 180 fov over a $800 110 fov headset really? I tried the pro i was glad i didnt buy it.


Are you sure that motion smoothing applies to Pimax? I believe it is a part of the SteamVR compositor, which Pimax does not use. On my install of SteamVR the option to turn motion smoothing on is not even available (and I have all the prerequisites as I already saw it with my Vive).

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