Pimax 5k Plus latest firmware version

A question. According to PiTool my 5k has the FW version V2.1.255.193. Is this the latest version? If not, where can I find the latest version if necessary? I use the PiTool version V.

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Yes FW 193 is currently the lastest. Since pitool 109. When new fw is ready often comes with new pitool release.

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Talking about Firmware version and all, did anyone tried latest Nvidia divers .69 ?

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Yeah I tried the new Nvidia Driver and thought everything looked sharper without changing Pitool settings.

The WIDE FOV still has the bug that doubles the horizontal resolution over 6000. I guess we need Pimax to sort that one out. Even though the bug doubles resolution and FPS takes a whack the image looks less sharp that 3450. Strange. I’m using Pitool at image quality 2 on a 1080ti.


thanks for the very detailed feedback :call_me_hand:t4:
i will download and have a go see if any good.
Would you recommend changing default res in SteamVr to 8192 ?

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I would, particularly if you play any games which need Parallel Projection turned on.

You do need to be careful not to exceed the capabilities of your GPU. I managed to get my overclocked RTX 2080 to drop to 1 fps, due to excessive super-sampling.


Thx for your recommendations and hints. Nvidia .69 are beta drivers, right? Can´t find this version either on nvidia.com nor in GeForce Experience.


Pretty sure it’s a typo. The driver released yesterday is 419.67 (not .69) - Previous being .35


Sorry my bad was indeed a typo .

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