Pimax 5K (hardware requirements & other questions)

I don’t know if the topic had been raised before, but I couldn’t find it.

I wonder whether GTX 1060 6GB with i7-6700K will be enough to use Pimax 5K. What quality would I achieve with it?

Why is the Pimax 5K being called a Kickstarter Special? Isn’t it going to be available after the Kickstarter campaign? Will the owners of 5K have the full support after buying it?

As I wish to run my VR diploma project not only on Pimax, but also on Oculus and HTC Vive, I wonder whether it’ll be possible to preview on my Pimax with the 110* FOV.

I’d be very glad for a quick response as I’m willing to get Pimax asap.

  1. 5K & 8K requirement hardware: GXT 980/1070,i5,8GB
    Your graphics card is GXT 1060, you can watch video and movies normally. However, some games may not work because of they need hardware configuration requirements.
  2. Since 5k is specially prepared for ks’s activities, so we call it Kickstarter special edition. also we observe the market popularity of 5k through ks activities, and I promise you that 5k and 8k will get the same support.
  3. We will consider an option to change the size of the FOV.

Thank you!

Maybe you could also tell me if not too complex apps like Fruit Ninja and Netflix will work on Pimax (5K and 8K) with GTX 1060.

If you want to better game experience, we suggest work with GTX 980/1070.

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The 5k & base 8k model performance should be tge same. For best min performance the rec spec is best. VR games with low graphics requirements may work but you might experience frame drops, artifacts. Might being the word.

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Great, thank you very much :slight_smile:

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