Pimax 5k+ Drifting image and dirt in/under lenses


I have pre-order unit of 5k+ and I have 2 issues right now. I would be very happy if somebody could help me to solve them.

1/ The image is slowly drifting to the left, all time. link . It is very annoying because I have to spin on my chair to keep the image in center too. I don´t have any controllers and base stations yet. When I buy at least one base station, will it solve my problem?

2/ I have some dirt in/under left lens and it’s exactly in center of my view. I’m really very unhappy with this one because I see it all time on light background. Is there any way how to fix it? Is this a reason for unit replacement?

Thank you

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Really depends if it’s on the lens or the screen.

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The lighthouse should fix your drift issue



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Thank you for the idea, but this sounds very risky in terms of the unit damage and lost warranty.
I will probably try to place it on a vibration pad and try to gently shake it down on a weekend or ask for a replacement if it doesn’t help.

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