Pimax 5k and Arizona sunshine MRTV video

Sounds great


Thanks heaps for these videos , it gives us something to watch while Pimax stays in information lock down mode.

Very nice. Love these actual game play vids vs lets zoom in on an image and dissect it. Show us how it plays I say!. But I am curious. Tom’s Hardware reviewer stated this game could literally not be run on a Pimax 5k+ even with a 2080…how are you achieving this magic? /s

Nice work Seb, keep it up.


I Think @Pumcy tried PiTool 1.0 and SteamVR 100% for TH. don’t know exactly.
@mixedrealityTV might have used lover SteamVR SS settings.

I’m very much looking forward to this running cyberPi-combination. yeehargh!

I played it on my 1080ti rig with PiTool at 1.0 and SteamSS at 100%.No problems whatsoever!


Where is the elite dangerous Performance test ?Today perhaps?

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