Connected by 3 velcro straps, one of the velcro went thru audio hole , pretty tricky but it works and I can tell its 10 times more comfortable than standard strap
Also installed 6mm vr cover foam replacement from my OG Vive + extra layer of velcro ( ~3 mm ) to get longer distance to the lenses just to be able fit my glasses
yea I know I got it year ago for my vive and price was 95$ ( preorder)
but there is option to buy only necesary springs and tools ( for 25 $) and 3d print it
well i dont know where you come from but 3d print services are in every small city in EU zone and in my country quite cheap
I recived yesterday info that John Toner ceo of Synergy Wizz (rEvolve dev) is also Pimax backer and he was actually debating how to make a front hinge that would fit the Pimax 5k…