Pimax 4K reference pics

Here are some shots through the lens of a Pimax 4K showing the zig-zag pixel pattern and pixel density.

Taken with an iPhone 7 Plus.

These are some lines NOT visible when you wear the headset. I believe they act as anti fogging warmth lines. Works very well.


I am one of the longtime users of pimax 4k.
Ghost, vertical lines, darkness … I hate this 4K features and now I am using Oculus Go.
Vertical lines were always visible in my eye. The SDE is obscured by the darkness, and it stands out when we maximize the brightness, especially when the shutter glasses are removed.

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Hey these are pretty nice pics! I tried shooting some pics with my Galaxy S8 plus earlier but couldn’t get them to this quality. can you do some more, also of some games?

BTW these vertical lines are the shutter glass, if you remove it then the lines are gone. Disadvantage is that you’ll get a lot more ghosting. Quite a few forum users put the shutter glass back in because of the increased ghosting.


Hey @Pimel I managed to take good through the lens photo’s too. I got inspired after seeing these photo’s you’ve posted and thought I’d try it myself (again). For anyone looking to do this too:

  1. Remove the eye cushion from your HMD
  2. Push camera lens onto the HMD lens
  3. Keep your HMD as still as possible
  4. Then just fiddle a bit with your cam. Slighly move up/down/left/right, twist, turn (while maintaining contact between phone and HMD lens) and keep shooting pics. So for me it was a bit trial&error until you finally get one that’s sharp all over the picture. Thing is you’ll need to take a photo through the sweet spot of course, which was much more difficult for the Vive Pro than for the Pimax 4k.

I was actually quite surprised by the resulting quality (I used an Galaxy S8+). As posted in the other topic:

Pimax 4k: http://community.openmr.ai/uploads/default/original/2X/9/9bec77f5beff21b6bfb749ddbac93158cdf6ac0f.jpg
Vive Pro: http://community.openmr.ai/uploads/default/original/2X/2/2039c3da57b83c95aa57776a0ac1524ba40a62f2.jpg

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Yea what I did was hit burst mode and pick the ones afterwards that resemble what I experience the best. Because we can pick anything we want, even versions that look waaaay better than reality.


How can it look better than reality? Liked your burst mode suggestion though.

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Because moving your phone while taking a picture ‘blends’ the pixels a bit, showing less SDE or something that isn’t resembling reality. A tiny bit of out-of-focus would also result in a better picture in terms of SDE

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Hmm but while moving it would lose sharpness I’d say. I kept both cam and HMD as still as possible each time. Didn’t really try moving. So I’d slightly fiddle the cam, then shoot, fiddle again, shoot etc.

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Jup, fiddling it is but it’s at our discretion which pic we post eventually.

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Well for me it was an easy pick, as only a few pictures from both the Vive and Pimax were really sharp. I picked the best for both.

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But while those pictures may look nice, was it comparative to your own experience wearing the headset? Because that’s the only thing that matters.

We don’t have calibrated setups for pictures through the lens so we need to be judge and executioner here

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I’m just going through all the photo’s I’ve shot and I think I see what you mean. One of my Vive photo’s shows a bit less SDE, however it’s also way less sharp. So I don’t think that’s a good photo.

On the Pimax 4k I don’t see SDE in any of my photo’s, at least not with the standard photo zoom-in on my phone.

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Burst mode will give you a nice set of pics to see all those differences emerge


A bit off-topic maybe but I never figured out how a phone camera does auto-focus. Is anything moving inside? How does it know it reached focus?

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which SDE is better: 5k+ or Pimax 4K??

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Beautyful question…to be or not to be
I’m waiting for this from 2 days

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4K seems to be king here.

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Yep. The Vertical lines are the Anti fogger like in your car’s rear window embedded in the shutter glass.

Be interesting if one were to replace the shutter glass with polarized filters.

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