PIMAX 4K + Leap Motion + Free head motion Tracking

Dear @PIMAX-Support @pimax.li |

Would you please integrate Leap Motion as officially supported in your software / drivers? This product cost about $50 on AliExpress much cheaper than other motion tracking products and would allow low-budget users get it with an ease. Considering the fact that PIMAX 4K was not delivered with its own motion tracking, adding support for such low-cost product would be a great help for the users world wide.

webcam head motion Tracking APIs:

Kindly suggest,

Thank you!

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I have a Pimax 4K and a Leap Motion. The Leap Motion has software (Orion SDK) that integrates with Steam VR. Using your fingers to push virtual triggers is a bit annoying because the controller will move when you do it.

But now Driver4VR(.com) is making a solution to incorporate cheap bluetooth joysticks as buttons for the controllers.
All in all it’s a bit of a hack but I think it will work out allright because the hand tracking of the Orion software works very good, all what was missing was good button detection.

The Driver4VR software also works with a Kinect for positional tracking, I bought that too for $30. It’s not perfect but for seated games it works well enough I think. You can walk around too but it’s just not snappy enough but works.


Imagine…combine Leap motion for hands tracking with this FREE SDK solution for full body motion tracking…

Feature Request for PIMAX 4K: FREE Full Body Motion Tracking Using WEBCAM
Solution is available via software / SDK:

Your engineering team could use this sdk to make laptops webcam into full body motion tracking without any special hardware!!!

You could do a real breakthrough, be first VR headset allowing full body motion tracking with simple webcam either built in or USB one!

Extreme Reality is the first, and only software based solution that enables ANY PC or Smart device to instantly analyze a person in 3D and recognize their movements, bringing motion technology to life

With our revolutionary technology, no hardware or complex installations are required and the resources invested are minimal. Now, many different domains can bring gesture-based interaction to users. Any new or existing touch or controller based programs can be activated by motion, adding an exciting new twist. For the very first time everyone has the ability to easily access motion technology and reap the benefits of it in their domain.
Offered as a software development kit (SDK) and with 26 patents granted worldwide, the company’s Extreme Motion product enables developers to create a wide range of experiences (applications, games, security solutions and more) that pioneer Natural User Interfaces (NUI) while breaking the physical barriers of current hardware-based technologies.


All teasers project a wonderful working device but we gotta see it working in action first. These people need money so they create a great looking video. That’s what this was.

Well the thing is, they dont sell you any device, you can use your webcam with their SDK or software.

Yea I get what they’re trying to do but the exact precision of their tracking will determine the usefulness. I have a kinect for headtracking and it lags a bit and it bumps up and down a bit too. So it works but I wouldn’t recommend it as a great system.

Unless the Leap has seen vast improvements in the last year then it only good for a paper weight.

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Did you read about the accuracy of their new drivers? ORION? it got some insane accuracy.
PS: Orion drivers need the original Leap Motion h/w, no need new hardware.

Leap motion is accurate but limit to its view angle. I’m wondering if try to make it wider angle, will it still work.

@Pimel could you pls explain bit more about the benefits Driver4vr brings to Leap Motion? Thanks!

From their youtube video he’s working on a modification to the Leap motion Orion controller emulation. Using super cheap bluetooth joysticks (I got two for 5 euros). The driver isn’t ready yet though but they’re working on it. It will massively improve the usage of controller buttons.

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This is awesome!

I wonder, can’t Leap Motion also be made to operate as head positioning? so using 2 x Leap Motions one tracking your head another your hands/controllers.

Perhaps Driver4VR could code head tracking, this guy did something…:

Another thing I found open source solution for webcam head motion tracking: Maybe Driver4VR could integrate it nicely, so Leap would look for hands/controllers and webcam for head motion tracking…

** APIs for webcam Head motion Tracking if @PIMAX-Support @deletedpimaxrep1 may want to use it for piplay:**

Forget it! I’m not paying for yet another piece of crap software without a try-it version.

Haha yea I own a bunch of VR related hack software I never really use either.
But I will keep you guys updated when the new bluetooth joystick driver is ready. I just received my pair for 2 euros a piece.

Is there any possibility to easily map those Bluetooth buttons to VR controller?

That’s what Greg from Driver4VR is working on. The Leap Motion will see your hands position and the buttons on the bluetooth joystick will be the triggers. Should work like a dream imo

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Any news on this one @Pimel ? Thanks!

Yes it’s working but I have issues with the controllers not connecting properly. Might be due to the poor quality controllers and not a Driver4VR issue

Is it working well now? Got my leap motion in the post.

I haven’t played around with them much yet