Pimax 4k Blurry Lens in center

I have bought a used Pimax 4k on ebay and found that the image seems to be blurry in the center only. I have looked in the forums and saw that there are replacement lenses for this purpose, but I have got no reply from my skype message and email. Please help!

It still seems to be making a stupid mistake in production like before.

I know, this is ridiculous. I have a blog reviewing vr products with many subscribers and if I don’t get a reply, I will make sure none of my subscribers will ever buy anything from Pimax.

I think which place is not set up well.

Sorry to hear your having issues.

Have you checked out your ipd settings?

Also since you said its in the center try using the cloth to clean the leansesl.

A good way in forums to help support @PIMAX-Support

The @ user will help get you noticed easier.

Hi Rain.

Atm the team is working on getting everything organised better. Please be patient.

Hi Spaids, may I ask what’s your eyesight situation? Myopia with glasses or astigmatism or nomral? Is it effective to adjust IPD( Pupip Distance) value in Piplay setting?

Please kindly send the order info to support@pimaxvr.com for our verification as below, thanks.
E-commerce platform(Vendor):
Order number:
Serial number of headset:
Full name:Address:
Postal code:

I am very patient and have confidence in pimax

I got my pimax new on Amazon october this year '17. Just now realizing one lens is very blurry in the center. Thought it was the resolution but its not. No word from pimax about a lens replacement.
Stopped using it as it feels like its screwing up my vision. Don’t know what the hell to do with it now.
Apparently its one of the 'old ones - 100 serial #
No faith in Pimax anymore. Waste of $350.

The 100 serial just means 4k lcd model.

If you can photo the lens blur post the info as @Pimax-Support posted 2 messages above yours.

Have you contacted the E Vendor? The E vendor is your prime contact for warranty.

The team here has sent out a variety of parts to fix issues. Head straps, lenses, front headset strap assembly etc.

Generally lettering has been used between batches mine was orange then i think blue & now black if not mistaken.

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Hi, I replied your email, please check it and reply me, thanks.

Thanks for the reply. Just heard from them through email that they can send replacement lens (Awesome!)… cue elevator music…
Its a great unit , hope it gets sorted…

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