Pimax 4K and Vive through the lens (iPhone 7 Plus)

So I wanted to show everyone who don’t know the Pimax 4K the difference in quality. I can’t compare it with the 8K or 5K+ ofcourse but maybe the comparison with a Vive is helpful here.


Pimax 4K:


Interesting but I think you can show more details with high res photo’s. I do spot the SDE in the Vive video but it’s much harder to spot in your video than in reality. I think on a good high res photo it would be better to compare

True, but I think especially the setting sun scene is a world of difference in both videos’.

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BTW, did you follow the display panel tech threads? So it turned out that Pimax 4k indeed is using real 4k, while the PImax 8k is using half 4k. The pimax 4k panel is very suitable for scaling, the Pimax 8k panel is not. Hence the differences.

Yea, I’m not impressed by both the 8K and the 5K+ videos.


Hi bros, look at this one I made with my LG G5 (Pimax 4K). If you zoom by the weapon you will se the pattern. :sunglasses:


Ignorance is bliss.

Just think, it’s upscaled to 4K.

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A 4k v 5k+ comparison would be far more useful


The difference here is all to do with pixels per degree, and yes I think the panel in the 4K was definitely different. You can barely see SDE on the 4k, because the FOV is only 110 degrees, and the lenses are optimized for that FOV.

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the 8K should have 110 degrees PER EYE


still no serious review of their own product vs the new one…


Send me a 5K+ and I’ll provide it for you