I have two 1080 ti cards in sli and I am trying to connect a pimax 4K headset. Every time I am in sli mode the headset in piplay does not show connected.
Is there no way to use this headset with sli. I hardly believe that can be true.
Please help
Is your headset connected to the same card as your monitor? I have two 1080 Ti cards in SLI and I have picture. The second card is for PhysX so nothing to be connected there. My experience with SLI is that Project Cars 1 and 2 is freezing after a short while,
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Ya, I have both main and headset HDMI connected to the same card. I tried reinstalling drivers and piplay, turning sli on and off with no luck. Do you have it in extended mode ? Any special settings I need to turn on other the sli ?
No, I have not any diffrent setting than SLI enabled/disabled in Nvidia driver.
Hi, regarding the situation that you have met, you may connect the 4K to one Graphics Card. Please be advised.