Peakdo Streaming Handheld

Not really a direct Portal or Steamdeck competitor but a neat cool device non the kess.

Cool to see wigig getting more implemented. This device seems very uncompelling at that price point and with its limited feature set, the portal makes way more sense or even a steamdeck for not much more. Might work well for some though, who knows.

Very interested in wigig getting more usage though, its a really exciting tech imo.


Awesome device, better price point than the portal
Might get one just for fun, can’t go wrong at this price.

Portal started at 299 on kickstarter, this starts at 324.

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wow talk about pointless, a streaming console that requires line of sight to pc?


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Yeah, I really don’t get it. I would rather just have wifi 6e streaming. I guess it’s mostly focused at consoles for when the TV is being used but you still want to play a game. Like it will have lower latency I suspect than just streaming through your home network. Still, for 324 it doesn’t make much sense and I’m guessing that’s the starting price for the early birds on KS.

I do like where handhelds are going though and the 60ghz tech is pretty interesting, although mostly for VR imo. I think if I’m just intending on streaming games from my PC or console though, then I’d just use my phone with a controller, or get a tablet and those controllers that clip onto the sides etc. For 324…I’d just spend the 75 more and get a steamdeck, that way you have a full on additional gaming PC.

This product would need to be like 199 imo. It does make me wonder how expensive wigig tech is. Like with Pimax I’m guessing the module will be like 199 for the transmitter and receiver, so if you really wanted a wigig handheld then this one would probably be the cheapest but I still struggle to see the benefit of a wireless handheld that needs line of sight. Good Wifi 6e streaming will surely come extremely close in terms of visuals with just a slight bump in latency but then leaves you feel to move around etc.

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Wait… the controllers are bluetooth… Doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose of having zero latency transmission if you’re just adding latency into the input method?

The lowest that BT can currently get is 34ms. Wirelessly streaming VR over wifi can reach that level of latency and steamlink can reach about half of that latency.

The product makes no sense. What is actually the benefit? The screen is 1080p so it’s not like compression over wifi streaming is going to be an issue.

Also those specs are an outright lie.

Wifi 6e is 1.2gbit per stream. The range is not 16ft lol, what on earth. It also doesn’t require internet. Latency can be way WAY less than 200ms. Literally the only thing that is correct here is the “invented in 1991” part which isn’t even a pro or con.

Indeed Wifi does not require Internet. lol

At this point the fellow I posted with his $100 diy portable is the better idea.

Lol, that worked really well for the Nintendo Wii-U

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