PE starts up but I cannot click any buttons

PE starts up but I cannot click any buttons or change any values. The laser pointer goes through the buttons. 0.32 with the suggested PiTool.

Am I doing it wrong - Do I have to start simething manually?


Thats super strange. Could you please try version 0.30 and see if it helps? Im testing a new file explorer plugin since 0.31 and it may have caused something… (its still hidden in 0.31 and 0.32 but the scripts are loading in background).

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Same problem with 0.30. Am my wands supposed to look like index controllers? Probably just the skin you picked but I thought I mention it.

I can move the sliders and the shown games up and down btw. Just not actually make any button do something.

Not that I can do anything but on the upside: Eye tracking works with this pitool version. :slight_smile:

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Could you please send me the log file?
Located in:

Im currently waiting for the team to add controller-indentifier to the PiTool response data. Im not able to retrieve the controller type from Unity, thats why Index controllers are set as default right now. For now, this option can be changed to HTC Vive controllers (right bar Customize Settings or in Customize UI page) and saved in user profile to remember for future.

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@Thoemse I had the same issue initially. If you look to the system tab on the right do you see “no controllers” or something to that affect? rebooting a few times resolved this for me., if you haven’t already tried that.

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I will have to check. I had an empty systems tab at first but after rebooting I had all kinds of system information there. It also showed the controllers I think. Will check again tonight.

SweViver: I’ll provide the file tonight.

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I can’t get this fixed! Where can I send my log to?
I can’t believe I am the only one getting this. :frowning:

Edit: Fixed it by unchecking Start Pimax Home in Pitool and manually booting PE.
Everything seems to be working but the IPD guide. Is that still work in progress?

The PE looks good btw. I like it a lot.


Wait, do you mean it didn’t work running it automatically by PiTool, but it did work when starting it manually from the exe? Thats very weird!
Remember that if you have that checkbox checked in PITOOL, the VR Experience will automatically always start and run in the background when SteamVR (or any game) ia not running. So its kinda made to be run in the background.

I have a new version coming tomorrow fixing maybe 8-10 different bugs I noticed today, and also a new import-feature where you can manually import custom games (just like in PITOOL) but with custom thumbnails, using file browser.

This version should also further fix things like UI interaction issues (i discovered some weird behaviour occurring because of some missed parameters).

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Yeah. It is weird indeed but after doing that it worked for the very first time. I had to goto bed afterwards so I could not do anymore testing. I’ll check if it works with it checked again soon.
The IPD feature is not supposed to work just yet though right? Because that one wasn’t clickable. I could however change all settings and start games. I’ll send my log tonight.

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Nope. It does nothing yet.

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I’ve given PE 0.33 a quick run yesterday. I can report that my issue was solved. It starts with PiTool and the menu is working as it should (clickable).


Awesome, good that you confirmed it, thanks! Been a pain to troubleshoot this. Unity is really picky when it comes to Canvases and using different UI Inputs. Im testing some scripts to use mouse interaction as well, but it seems even more tricky and completely breaks the other inputs… :rofl:

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